Getting The Message Ensure everyone finds out about a flood!
FLOOD WARNINGS These are important to ensure that EVERYONE finds out that a flood is going to happen. But How? There are many new and old methods of mass communication.
OLD METHODS IIn the early part of the 20 th Century there were fewer methods of communication than we have today. TThey included knocking on doors, visits from flood wardens and public address systems.
However as the years progressed technology created many new ways to Get The Message across to people. These included the radio and television broadcasts.
NEW Methods Communication methods get more efficient and modern all the time. Let’s call these 21 st Century methods. They include Mobile phones – Calls, Text & SMS Messaging. Also , digital TV and digital radio.
Different People SSociety includes vulnerable people. TThere are many methods of communication so there’s bound to be one to get the message across to everyone. FFor example deaf people can be contacted by , by telephone or by radio!
It’s important… To make sure the message gets across to everyone. If just a few people do not get the flood message there maybe injuries and even deaths!
Hurricane Katrina Flood risk is not spread evenly across a population. In New Orleans in 2005 Hurricane Katrina had a catastrophic effect on the elderly, the disabled and the low income earners.
What Happened? These groups lacked their own transport and were unable to flee. They could not afford INSURANCE and so were poorly prepared for flooding. Ultimately the death toll was far higher!
IMPORTANT LESSONS! To be fully effective flood warning schemes need to recognise that that people are not the same. Safety schemes need to meet the varying needs of different social groups. So they can keep everyone safe!