Re-entry/Re-occupancy Exercise New Orleans, LA after Hurricane Katrina. Courtesy of NOAA.
Exercise Scenario A major flood has occurred in your city and the surrounding area. The impacts are significant and include the following: Evacuation of approximately 80% of the population All municipal water and wastewater systems inoperable Significant soil erosion throughout various parts of the impacted area Tremendous amount of debris deposited throughout the impacted area Most hospital and health care facilities inoperable Emergency response services severely compromised
Identify Problems and Issues Make a complete list of environmental related problems/issues that might occur during and after a flood event. Determine which time category the problems/issues fit –Immediate –Short term recovery –Long term recovery
Scenario: The water has begun to recede and the Mayor is wanting to allow community members to re-enter the impacted area during daylight hours to assess their property and recover personal items. Task: Identify critical problems/issues/hazards that must be addressed to allow this re-entry/initial visit to occur safely. Re-entry Initial Visit – Phase 1 Think broadly - not just environmental health!
Recovery & Re-occupancy Phase 2 Scenario: The city and surrounding area is being drained and de-watered. You are the environmental health strike team leader. You and your team have been asked to determine the actions that should be taken to allow safe re-occupancy to occur. What hazards should be removed? What systems should be operable? What services should be in place?
What tasks will need to be undertaken (e.g. assessment of retail food establishments for re- opening)? What indicators will you use to determine task progression (e.g. percent of restaurants re-opened)? What is an expectable response time for task? (e.g. conduct assessment within 48 hours of request for reopening) What resources will be needed to complete the tasks? (e.g. 14 retail food safety specialist needed for 2 week deployment to assess 500 establishments) Recovery & Re-occupancy Phase 2
Priority Focus Areas Food safety and protection Potable Water Wastewater Vector/Animal Control Solid Waste Debris Hazardous Waste Building Environments – Schools – Health care facilities – Homes – Temporary housing