Human evolution. Human family tree Humans, Homo sapiens, are primatesHumans, Homo sapiens, are primates Homo sapiens are members of the hominid groupHomo.


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Presentation transcript:

Human evolution

Human family tree Humans, Homo sapiens, are primatesHumans, Homo sapiens, are primates Homo sapiens are members of the hominid groupHomo sapiens are members of the hominid group Hominids split from chimpanzee about 8-6 million years ago.Hominids split from chimpanzee about 8-6 million years ago.

Hominid group There are 2 main genera of hominids: Austalopithecus & HomoThere are 2 main genera of hominids: Austalopithecus & Homo For millions of years more than one hominid species exited at one timeFor millions of years more than one hominid species exited at one time Now Homo sapiens are the only surviving member of the groupNow Homo sapiens are the only surviving member of the group

Australopithicus afarensis The most complete fossil evidence of a biped primate. 3 million yrs old, stood 3 ft tall Facial recreation from fossil remains

Characteristic of the hominid group Opposable thumbOpposable thumb UprightUpright BipedalBipedal Large cranial capacityLarge cranial capacity

Milestones in hominid evolution bipedal -Australopitecus afarensis, 4MYAbipedal -Australopitecus afarensis, 4MYA Tools -Homo habilis, 2.8 MYATools -Homo habilis, 2.8 MYA Fire - Homo erectus, 120 MYAFire - Homo erectus, 120 MYA Burial - Homo neanderthalensis, 300 TYABurial - Homo neanderthalensis, 300 TYA Art -Homo sapiens, 35 TYAArt -Homo sapiens, 35 TYA

Fossil evidence All of the earliest fossils are found in AfricaAll of the earliest fossils are found in Africa Homo erectus was the first spread around the worldHomo erectus was the first spread around the world The fossil record is not completeThe fossil record is not complete There are different interpretations of the dataThere are different interpretations of the data Homo sapiens later spread around the worldHomo sapiens later spread around the world

Homo Sapiens & Homo neanderthalensis 30,000 years ago during the Ice Ages in Europe both existed30,000 years ago during the Ice Ages in Europe both existed Both had tools, fire, and cultureBoth had tools, fire, and culture The Neanderthals were larger & physically hardier The Neanderthals were larger & physically hardier The Neanderthals disappeared from the fossil record 32 TYAThe Neanderthals disappeared from the fossil record 32 TYA * Homo sapiens are thought to be thousand years old.* Homo sapiens are thought to be thousand years old.