Grocery VSD Measure Deemed Savings Reid Hart, PE & Ken Anderson September 28, 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

Grocery VSD Measure Deemed Savings Reid Hart, PE & Ken Anderson September 28, 2010

Acknowledgements We would like to thank the following entities for their support: Avista Utilities Bonneville Power Administration Puget Sound Energy We would also like to thank the RTF RTUG members for their valuable feedback

Purpose Approval for new deemed measures for VFD and controller installed on Grocery store sales floor HVAC supply fan.

Proposed Measures Units are fan motor horsepower. Measure Name Minimum Fan Motor Size HP Energy Savings (kWh/yr- HP) Measure Life (years) Measure Cost ($/ HP) Benefit Cost Ratio Grocery HVAC VFD- 12 hrs 1.0 (~5 ton)1,29515 $1225- $ Grocery HVAC VFD- 16 hrs 1.0 (~5 ton)1,72415 $1225- $ Grocery HVAC VFD- 24 hrs 1.0 (~5 ton)2,55115 $1225- $

Agenda Technology Overview Energy Savings Calculation Methodology –Overview probability inputs for Expected Value Deemed Savings –Feedback on specific factors & probabilities Cost Measure Life Program Specifications Conclusions

Technology Overview: VSD Wiring a VSD on the electrical side saves substantial labor compared to replacing the motor and having to re- align the drive. VSDs come in a wide variety of sizes!

Ventilation Approach Basic premise: –Existing fixed ventilation to remain set AS IS –Lower fan speed will reduce ventilation below existing levels –Relation to desired levels unknown –Finding out doubles measure cost CO 2 control provided as an override for high occupancy - Fan speed will increase when CO 2 concentration indicates high occupancy.

Measure Control Sequence of Operation Standard Step Controls –Maintain set minimum speed for positive pressure (50% to 70%) –Discharge air temperature DAT maintenance; increase fan speed as necessary to: Speed set to keep warmer than 55°F during cooling Speed set to keep cooler than 160°F during heating –Ventilation override; increase speed to: Maintain 1150 ppm CO 2 concentration Advanced controls include smart relay –Cooling impact; operate at full speed on: Call for cooling & OSA below 70°F –Ventilation ramped rather than stepped with differential –Maintain temperature control & interface with DDC –Option for humidity control

Calculations & Variable Assumptions

Savings Methodology Expected Value Deemed Savings –Consider baseline variation impact on savings –Typical & Hi/Lo values for influencing parameters DOE 2 – eQUEST 3.64R –Evaluate parameter impacts on loads & fan sizing –Develop hourly loads for transfer to Hourly spreadsheet –Pre- and post- occupied fan operation calculated Sensitivity & Expected Value analysis

“Typical” Grocery Analysis Refrigeration based model –Typical grocery used in ES Grocer –Focused on sales floor (80% of area) Parameters of interest –Fan Control –Hours Fan Operating –Motor Selection –Speed Turndown –Ventilation % OSA –Refrig. Space Load –Fan Affinity Coefficient –Climate –Light & Equip Density –Store Activity (People)

Impact on Savings of all Considered Parameters

Fan Operating Hours Source: GrocerSmart Database

Remaining Parameter Sensitivity %50% 5%30% of supply kWh/sf-yr MissoulaPortland 1.1 / / 1.3 W/sf 49%100% (157 people) 0.73 Motor Load Factor

Response to RTUG Feedback Speed Turndown –50% speed probability reduced Ventilation % OSA –Lower state (5%) added Refrigeration Space Load –Clarified & calibrated; weighted to higher load Fan Affinity Coefficient –Range increased from to Store Activity (People) –Density reduced; High density lower probability Detailed parameter impact ranges, states, and probabilities are in posted detailed slides.

Expected Value Savings Bin Fan OprHrs/day OprEV Save kWh/nom HP

Step Control $ /HP Prices from Manufacturers and invoices from like projects, includes labor Installed Costs Analog Control $ $225/HP

Measure Life VFD VFD on HVAC -CALMAC Protocol and Procedures15 years CO 2 Sensor NWPPC-Demand Control Ventilation15 years

Program Specifications Applicable to Main grocery sales floor RTU supply fans. Units must have fixed ventilation damper (units with economizers will be able to use premium ventilation new measure). –Shut-off damper controls are allowed Units must have continuous fan operation during occupied period. –Fans in “Auto” disqualified - poor IAQ and negative savings Measure based on hours of operation of HVAC unit, not hours of operation of store. Incentives paid based on HP of fan motor nameplate/nominal CO 2 sensor installed in return air duct or per local/state code

Conclusion Measure Name Minimum Fan Motor Size HP Energy Savings (kWh/yr- HP) Measure Life (years) Measure Cost ($/ HP) Benefit Cost Ratio Grocery HVAC VFD- 12 hrs 1.0 (~5 ton)1,29515 $1225- $ Grocery HVAC VFD- 16 hrs 1.0 (~5 ton)1,72415 $1225- $ Grocery HVAC VFD- 24 hrs 1.0 (~5 ton)2,55115 $1225- $ Units are motor horsepower PECI seeks approval for the following deemed measures:

CategoryStore HoursFan Motor HP Site Savings (kWh)Capital Cost ($)TRC B/C Ratio Analog ,551 $ 2, Analog ,827 $ 2, Analog ,102 $ 2, Analog ,653 $ 2, Analog ,204 $ 2, Analog ,755 $ 3, Analog ,133 $ 3, Analog ,510 $ 4, Step ,551 $ 1, Step ,827 $ 1, Step ,102 $ 1, Step ,653 $ 1, Step ,204 $ 1, Step ,755 $ 2, Step ,133 $ 2, Step ,510 $ 3, VSD on HVAC Fan: TRC Benefit Cost Ratio – 24-Hour Grocery

CategoryStore HoursFan Motor HP Site Savings (kWh)Capital Cost ($)TRC B/C Ratio Analog ,724 $ 2, Analog ,586 $ 2, Analog ,448 $ 2, Analog ,172 $ 2, Analog ,896 $ 2, Analog ,620 $ 3, Analog ,930 $ 3, Analog ,240 $ 4, Step ,724 $ 1, Step ,586 $ 1, Step ,448 $ 1, Step ,172 $ 1, Step ,896 $ 1, Step ,620 $ 2, Step ,930 $ 2, Step ,240 $ 3, VSD on HVAC Fan: TRC Benefit Cost Ratio – 16-Hour Grocery

CategoryStore HoursFan Motor HP Site Savings (kWh)Capital Cost ($)TRC B/C Ratio Analog ,295 $ 2, Analog ,943 $ 2, Analog ,590 $ 2, Analog ,885 $ 2, Analog ,180 $ 2, Analog ,475 $ 3, Analog ,713 $ 3, Analog ,950 $ 4, Step ,295 $ 1, Step ,943 $ 1, Step ,590 $ 1, Step ,885 $ 1, Step ,180 $ 1, Step ,475 $ 2, Step ,713 $ 2, Step ,950 $ 3, VSD on HVAC Fan: TRC Benefit Cost Ratio – 12-Hour Grocery