Cooling & Lubrication Chapter Review
November 7, 2000By Laval Paradis - NSCC Cooling & Lubrication Chapter review Image viewing Interactive questions Closing
November 7, 2000By Laval Paradis - NSCC Oil Pumps 1. What are we looking at in this picture? 2. What type of oil pump is this? 3. What is the maximum generic tolerance measurement between the gears? 1. Oil Pump 2. Gear ”
November 7, 2000By Laval Paradis - NSCC Oil Pumps 1. What are we looking at in this picture? 2. What type of oil pump is this? 3. What type of displacement is this pump? 1. Oil Pump 2. Rotor 3. Positive
November 7, 2000By Laval Paradis - NSCC Cooling Systems 1. What are 2 types of cooling systems? 2. What are the 9 items listed in the diagram? 1. Air - Liquid
November 7, 2000By Laval Paradis - NSCC Cooling Systems One at a time, identify 1 component & a brief description of its purpose.
November 7, 2000By Laval Paradis - NSCCCoolant 1. What is the ideal coolant mixture ratio? 2. What is the boiling point of water? 3. What is the boiling point of a 67/33 mix? 1. 67/ º F º
November 7, 2000By Laval Paradis - NSCC Radiator Caps 1. What is the purpose of a radiator cap? 2. Every PSI of pressure = how much of an increase in the boiling point? 1. Increase boiling point – Refill reservoir ºC or 3.2ºF
November 7, 2000By Laval Paradis - NSCC Radiator Caps 1. How many types of radiator caps are there? 2. What is the average pressure rating of today’s caps? 3. How do we test radiator caps? 1. 3 – constant/vent/closed PSI 3. Visual/Pressure test
November 7, 2000By Laval Paradis - NSCC Radiator Hoses 1. What is the purpose of radiator hoses? 2. What element is used to make the hoses black? 3. Which hose is subject to the roughest service life? 1. Contain/Transport coolant 2. Carbon 3. Upper radiator hose
November 7, 2000By Laval Paradis - NSCC Hose Clamps 1. How many types of hose clamps may we see? 2. What are the names of these hose clamps? 1. 5 Types 2. Screw Tower – Spring – Rolled Edge – Worm Gear – Twin wire
November 7, 2000By Laval Paradis - NSCCThermostats 1. What are 2 functions of a thermostat? 2. When must a thermostat begin to open? 3. When must the thermostat be “fully” open? 1. Control temperature & Flow 2. 3ºF above or below rating 3. 20ºF above “start to open”.
November 7, 2000By Laval Paradis - NSCC Fans & Fan Clutches 1. What 2 types of fans are shown? 2. Identify 2 types of downsides to these types of fans. 3. Why are fan shrouds used? 1. Flex - Clutch 2. Rob horsepower - Noisy 3. Efficiency –Engine placement
November 7, 2000By Laval Paradis - NSCC Electric Cooling Fans 1. Why are electric fans used? 2. What components are needed to make this system work? 3. Do these fans run while driving? 1. Efficiency - Control 2. Sensor-Switches-Relays-Wiring-Fuse 3. Typically they shut down at 40km/hr & up.
November 7, 2000By Laval Paradis - NSCC Service & Repair Oil pressure sending units External leaks Corrosion Belts Component failure Fluid breakdown – lack of maintenance Adjustments Electrolysis Common Failures
November 7, 2000By Laval Paradis - NSCC Diagnostic Aids Oil pressure gauges Black light & dyes Pressure testers Thermometers – infrared Tension gauges DVOM Scanners Refractometer PH testers
November 7, 2000By Laval Paradis - NSCCScenarios Customer complained of no heat. A vehicle was “taking coolant”. Gauge always reads lower than normal. Boils over during highway driving. Customer wants vehicle winterized. Electric fan won’t stop running. Lets try a few examples of complaints that you will see. What would you do if:
November 7, 2000By Laval Paradis - NSCC Review Questions 1. Why would coolant read 1 volt on a DVOM? 2. Why does a radiator hose show 12 volts on a DVOM 3. Where on an engine is an oil pressure test performed? 4. What would cause low oil pressure? 5. What would cause excessive oil pressure? 6. What is “viscosity”? 7. What could be the problem if a cam seal continues to leak externally after several replacements and the shaft is not scorn?
November 7, 2000By Laval Paradis - NSCC The End