P13026: Portable Ventilator Team Leader: Daniel Fenton Kennedy Kong Marie Revekant David Engell Eric Welch Derek Zielinski Chris Freeman Melissa Harrison Ryan Muckel Roberto Castillo Zavala
Overview Project Summary Customer Needs Engineering Specifications Market Comparison HOQ/ QFD Relationship Diagram System Block Diagram Functional Decomposition Component Breakdown PUGH Matrix’s Risk Assessment Benchmarking Market EMT Products Proposed Packaging Designs
Project Summary
Project Scope Who: Customer Jeff Gutterman Roman Press Faculty Mentor Team Composition 3 Mechanical Engineers 2 Electrical Engineers 2 Computer Engineers 1 Industrial Engineer 1 Industrial Designer 1 Business Guru Customer Jeff Gutterman Roman Press Faculty Mentor Edward Hanzlik What: Project Objective: Redesign the Mediresp III update technical components and packaging to be contemporary. When: How much: Market Release: 2015 (18 – 24 months) Budget: $1000
Current Product- Mediresp III Provide positive pressure ventilation 4 modes: CMV (constant mandatory ventilation) Assist CPR Manual Large and heavy 2-4 hour battery life FDA approval Patented Contains BVM backup
Proposed Redesign Updates: Electronic controls (decrease size/more options) Smaller pump Reliable and smaller battery Additions: Ability to monitor and record vitals Pulse oximeter feedback Voice alerts/instructions Carbon dioxide sensor
Customer needs
Engineering Specifications
Current Market Comparison Gas Operated Products Compressor Products Specification Number Specification Unit of Measure Target Value S1 Volume Control Liters 0.2 - 1.2 0.15 - 1.30 0.10 - 2.00 S2 Breathing Rate BPM, Breaths per Minute 4 -15 8 -25 5 - 40 S3 Peak Flow Liter/Min 15 - 60 8 - 35 5 - 60 S4 Air Assist Senitivity cm H20 0.5 - 1.5 - S5 High Pressure Alarm 10 - 70 60 up to 100 S6 DC Input Volts 6 - 16 S7 DC Internal Battery 12 S8 Battery Operation Time Hours 2 3 - 5 S9 Elasped Time Meter 0 - 8000 S10 Pump Life 8000 S11 Secondary Pressure Relief 75 S12 Timed Backup BPM Seconds S13 Blood Oxygen Level % S14 Expiration CO2 S15 Operational Temperature Degrees Fahrenheit 0 -120 S16 Dimensions S17 Weight Kg ~ .5 4 - 8 S18 Drop Height Feet 4
HOQ/ QFD Relationship Diagram
System Block Diagram
Functional Decomposition
Top Level Functions
Provide Power Functions
Assist User Functions
Circulate Air Functions
Monitor physiological Data Functions
Component Breakdown
Resistance to Environmental Effects Battery PUGH Matrix Option #1 Option #2 Option #3 Option #4 Option #5 Lead Acid Li-Ion NiMH NiCd Li-Ion Polymer Selection Criteria Score Cost - Weight + Physical Durability Resistance to Environmental Effects Size Charging Rate Lifetime Efficiency Charge Loss Sum +'s 6 3 2 Sum 0's 9 1 4 Sum -'s Net Score Rank 5
Sheet Metal (Reference) Housing PUGH Matrix Option #1 Option #2 Option #3 Option #4 Sheet Metal (Reference) Wood Plastic Composite Material Selection Criteria Score Cost + - Weight Durability Water Proofing Ease of Construction Time Commitments of Construction Sum +'s 2 4 3 Sum -'s Sum 0's 6 1 Net Score -1 Rank
Mass Flow sensor Pugh matrix Selection Criteria Option 1 (Original) Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 (Honeywell) AWM2300V (Honeywell) AWM2100V Sensirion TSI Incorporated Score Weight - Cost + Physical Durability Accuracy Range Operating Temperature Size Sum +'s 2 3 Sum 0's 8 5 Sum -'s 1 Net Score -1 Rank
Pressure sensor Pugh matrix Selection Criteria Option 1 (Original) Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 136PC01G2 (Honeywell) Honeywell Models 4525DO-SS5AI015AP (MS) NPP-301 (GE) Score Cost + - Physical Durability Accuracy Operating Temperature Size Pressure Range Sum +'s Sum 0's 6 2 1 Sum -'s Net Score -1 Rank 3
Co2 sensor pugh matrix Selection Criteria Option 1 Option 2 Hanwai MG811 GE-Sensing T6615 Score Weight Cost + - Physical Durability Environmental Durability Accuracy Operating Temperature Measurement Range Implementation Size Sum +'s Sum 0's 3 4 Sum -'s 1 Net Score -3 -1 Rank 2
Resistance to Environment Pump pugh matrix Option #1 Option #2 Option #3 Option #4 Diaphragm Articulated Piston Rotary Vane Centrifugal Selection Criteria Score Puslation - Pump Life Resistance to Environment Durability Weight Cost DC Input Sum +'s Sum 0's 7 5 3 Sum -'s 2 4 Net Score -2 -4 Rank 1
Control system pugh matrix Option #1(Original) Option #2 Option #3 Option #4 Selection Criteria Analog Circuit (PCB) Freedom KL25Z KWIKSTIK-K40 K60 Score Cost + - Weight Physical Durability Resistance to Environmental Effects Size Flash Memory RAM Memory # of Pins Processor Speed Sum +'s 6 5 Sum 0's 4 3 Sum -'s 1 Net Score Rank 2
Controls Option Selection Control Pugh Matrix Controls Option Selection Option #1 Option #2 Option #3 Option #4 Option #5 knobs touch screen buttons dials auditory controls Selection Criteria Score Cost - Weight Physical Durability + Size functionality user feedback fail safe Sum +'s 1 3 Sum -'s 5 2 4 Sum 0's 7 Net Score -4 -2 -1 Rank
User interface pugh Matrix User Interface Option Selection Option #1 Option #2 Option #3 Option #4 LCD LED Analog e-ink Selection Criteria Score Cost - + Weight Physical Durability Size Functionality Definition power usage Response Time Sum +'s 1 4 Sum -'s 3 2 Sum 0's 8 Net Score -2 Rank
Risk Assessment
Customers First Responders: EMT, Firefighters Hospitals Home Care Cancer and respiratory problem patients Nursing Home Individual Volunteers assisting in response activities
Customer Psychographics Customers wants to transport a critical ill or injured patient in an array of situations in compliance with the ABCs of intensive care and collecting and sharing data efficiently. The situations could be defined as: Safe intra-hospital transport From the hospital to home care From an accident location the closest medical center
Market Trends Market for portable ventilator: 2009: $1.2 billion Categories of markets: Alternate care Critical care Home Care Transport
Portable Ventilator Market Leaders
Other Participants
Pneupac® paraPA by Smiths Medical CAREvent by O-Two Medical Technologies In. Autovent 4000 W/CPAP by Progressive MEd
Current Ventilators for emt’s Cont’d *cmH2O" refers to is the number of centimeters in height that the pressure of the air will push a column of water to **Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is a machine that helps a person who has obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) breathe more easily during sleep. At room temperature with settings of 10 BPM with settings of 10 BPM and 600 ml Tidal Volume
Current Ventilators for emt’s Cont’d MCV100 by Allied Healthcare Products Inc. Impact 745 Eagle Unit-Vent Eagle by Impact
Current Ventilators for emt’s Cont’d *cmH2O" refers to is the number of centimeters in height that the pressure of the air will push a column of water to **Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is a machine that helps a person who has obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) breathe more easily during sleep. At room temperature with settings of 10 BPM with settings of 10 BPM and 600 ml Tidal Volume
Proposed Packaging Designs