Colliding winds in pulsar binaries S.V.Bogovalov 1, A.V.Koldoba 2,G.V.Ustugova 2, D. Khangulyan 3, F.Aharonian 3 1-National Nuclear Research University (Moscow) 2-Institute of applied mathematics RAN (Moscow) 3-Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics (Heidelberg)
Candidates PSR /2883 LS 5039 LSI Cygnus X-1
System PSR /SS2883 Companion star Pulsar M ~ 10 Solar mass P=47.7 ms L ~ erg/s Lsd= erg/s T ~ K Stellar outflow Binary system Polar wind Distance d =1.5 kpc Vp ~ 2000 km/s e=0.87 Mp ~ Solar mass/yr Periastron separation Equatorial outflow Dmin= cm Vd ~ km/s Md ~ Solar mass/yr
View on the system
Parameterization Separation distance D=1. At Lorentz factor γ >> 1 All the flow depends on the only parameter For PSR <η<1
The scheme of interaction of the winds
Basic problems at the numerical modeling The position of the shocks and discontinues is unknown a priory Large difference in equations and properties of the relativistic and nonrelativistic flows Different Courant numbers in relativistic and nonrelativistic flows. Instability of the contact discontinuity.
Two zone solution Nearest zone includes all the regions of subsonic flows- Method of relaxation Far zone – supersonic flow. Cauchy problem.
Method of solution in the nearest zone The equations are solved only in the post shock regions Adaptive mesh is used. Beams are fixed, position of fronts vary
Equations for the relativistic wind
Equations for the nonrelativistic winds
Dynamics of the discontinuities To define evolution of the shocks and of the shocks and Contact discontinuity The Reimann problem About discontinuity decay Has been solved
The method of solution In the far zone
Results 1. The termination shock front of the pulsar wind is not always closed. For η > the shock front is opened.
The shock front for plane parallel stellar wind
High η
Dependence of the fronts on η
Dependance of the asymptotic opening angle of the fronts on η
Energy flow in the relativistic post shock wind Total energy along flow line is conserved
Adiabatic cooling
Formation of relativistic jet-like flows in the post shock wind
The role of the magnetic field
For comparison - interaction of the magnetized isotropic pulsar wind with isotropic interstellar medium
Basic conclusions relativistic wind in the post shock region becomes relativistic even at the distance comparable with the separation distance. At higher distances the Lorentz factor can achieve initial values Even moderate relativistic motion of the post shock plasma can have strong impact on the light curve of radiation (synchrotron and IC) Adiabatic cooling can result into suppression of the synchrotron radiation and excess of IC radiation.