CW/CC Wing Commander C/ Col Villalobos MG/CC Maintenance Group Commander C/ Lt Col Cavazos MS/CC Maintenance Squadron Commander C/ Maj Linares MS/PTL Physical Training Leader C/ 1st Lt Foster MS/PTL Physical Training Leader C/ 1st Lt Hammons MS/PTL Physical Training Leader C/ 1st Lt Van Hoesen MS/PTL Physical Training Leader C/ 1st Lt holder MTS/CC Maintenance Training Squadron Commander C/ Maj Davis MTS/LLO LLab Officer C/ Capt Castro-test MTS/DC D&C Officer C/ 1st Lt Valeriano MTS/PW Project Warrior Officer C/ 1st Lt Olmos MTS/SO Safety Officer C/ 2nd Lt Mckeon OG/CC Operations Group Commander C/ Lt Col Cornay 2 OS/CC Squadron Commander: C/ Maj Lilly CD: C/ Maj Shields 2 OS/DOF Foxtrot Flight CC: C/ Capt Smith CD: C/ 1st Lt Wolff 2 OS/DOG Golf Flight CC: C/ Capt Rodriguez CD: C/ 1st Lt Nicolay 2OS/APX FTP Academic/ Planning Officer C/ 1st Lt Morrison 1 OS/CC Squadron Commander C/ Maj Robles 1 OS/DOA Alpha Flight CC: C/ Capt Temple CD: C/ 1st Lt Dejesus 1 OS/DOB Bravo Flight CC: C/ Capt Schulze CD: C/ 1st Lt Ward 1 OS/DOC Charlie Flight CC: C/ Capt Matheny CD: C/ 1st Lt Huffman 1 OS/DOD Delta Flight CC: C/ Capt Ramirez, J CD: C/ 1st Lt Cox 1 OS/DOE Echo Flight CC: C/ Capt Butler 1 OS/DOH Hotel Flight CC: C/ Capt Wright MSG/CC Mission Support Group Commander C/ Lt Col Sanchez, J Deputy: C/ Maj Walker, J LRS/CC Logistics Readiness Squadron Commander C/ Maj Gonzalez LRS/DO Logistics Readiness Squadron-Director of Operations C/ Capt Wilkinson LRS/UM Uniform Mgmt Officer C/ 2nd Lt Tabor LRS/SVS Services Supply Officer C/ 2nd Lt Panek CS/CC Communications Squadron Commander C/ Maj Grossenbacher CS/CO Cyber Operations Officer C/ 1st Lt Hatcher CS/AO Academic/Mentor Officer C/ 1st Lt Stockton FSS/CC Force Support Squadron Commander. C/ Maj Davenport FSS/PA Public Affairs/Protocol Officer C/ 1st Lt Poole FSS/HO Historian C/ 2nd Lt Flythe RCS/RO Recruiting Officer C/ Capt Hall CW/DS Director of Staff C/ Lt Col Platt DOS/HG Honor Guard Liaison C/ Capt Turner, E DOS/SAO Special Activities Officer C/ Capt Garcia, S C/ Capt Phillips DOS/XP Plans and Programs Officer C/ Capt Nichols DOS/SP Alumni Officer C/ Capt Klein DOS/AAS Arnold Air Squadron Liaison C/ Maj Pinero CW/CV Vice Wing Commander C/ Lt Col Villarreal CW/CA Continuity Assurance Officer C/ 1st Lt Johnson, D CW/CP Command Post Officer C/ Maj Turner, S CW/IG Inspector General C/ Lt Col Delgado CW/GMCA GMC Advisor C/ 3C CW/SE Standards and Evaluations Officer C/ 1st Lt Pinero, E CW/ID CW Inspection Team Director C/ Maj Vassar CW/IL Inspection Team Lead C/ Capt Garcia, J CW/IT Inspection Team Member C/ Capt Alarcon CW/CCA Wing Commander Advisor C/ Col Sanchez, C DOS/RSO Recreational Sports Officer C/ Capt Dominguez MS/PTL Physical Training Leader C/ 1st Lt Graham 1 OS/DOA CD: C/ 1st Lt Mcmahon DET 842 SPRING 2014 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART *Orange color denotes leadership position Approved by: //SIGNED//pfb//7Jan14// PETER F. BOARDMAN, Capt, OFC Operations Flight Commander 2OS/STO FTP Standardization Officer C/ 1st Lt Stahl