Building Partnerships Where do we fit? Adult Education Meeting April 14, 2015 Dr. Ken Warden AVC for Workforce Development University of Arkansas-Fort Smith
Where does your office/agency fit in the larger context of the organization? State Adult Ed Office Your LEA (higher ed, public school district, etc…) Other How does this affect your ability to build partnerships?
Activity 1 - Build an Org Chart 10 minutes – build a graphic that visually represents your organizational structure and where/how you align with it 5 minutes – compare and contrast with your group
Who and where are your partners? Internal Partners External Partners
Who are your Internal Partners? State Office Admin office Fiscal Office Student Affairs Governmental Relations Foundation/fund-raisers Business Liaisons/Customized training Community Outreach Deans/Department Chairs Faculty
Activity 2 – Identify your Internal Partners 10 minutes – List and briefly describe your internal partners. How/why are they important? 5 minutes – compare and contrast with your group
Who are your External Partners? Governmental Offices Federal Legislators State Legislators Municipal Representatives (Mayors, alderman, etc…) Chambers of Commerce Civic Groups Rotary Clubs Optimus Club Lions Club Etc… Business partners What industry sectors does your community contain? o Manufacturing o Healthcare o Sales/Marketing o Processing Centers o Call Centers
Activity 3 – Identify your External Partners 10 minutes – List and briefly describe your external partners. How/why are they important? 5 minutes – compare and contrast with your group
Cultivating Partnerships “You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want”. - Zig Zigler
Cultivating Partnerships Be- Informed Engaged A Champion Relevant
Being Informed Don’t reply on others Empower Yourself Know what is going on around your community and your cause.
Being Engaged Civic Groups Campus activities Know what is going on around your community and your cause.
Being A Champion Toot Your Own Horn Tell your story where you go Publicize your efforts
Being Relevant Your work is important Be able to articulate your relevance Believe it! Share it!
Thank You! Ken Warden