Write sight words 4x each: be if have not Write a sentence using one of the sight words Practice writing numbers xs Write as many words as you can in the –at word family Write 8 color words then draw a pictures using all those colors Thank your parents for something nice they have done for you. Write sight words 5x each: big for will one Write 2 sentence using this week’s sight words Write as many words as you can in the –an word family. Pick 2 words out of your list and make 2 sentences no school Veteran’s Day Practice tying your parent’s shoes Write sight words 5x each: then now put because Write 2 sentences using this week’s sight words Draw a triangle and a square and write 2 things about how they are the same and different Write as many words as you can in the –ap word family. Pick 2 words out of your list and make 2 sentences Draw a picture of something you are Thankful for and write 2 sentences about your picture Give your parents a big hug Draw a turkey with 10 tail feathers- write the number on each feather Draw a picture of your family and 2 sentences about something you love to do with them No school Review sight words No school Happy Thanksgiving No school Practice tying your shoes Draw a picture and write 2-3 sentences about your Thanksgiving break Word Family: words that end the same and rhyme ex: -at word family cat, hat, mat Sight word sentences: Parents can write what the student comes up with then have child copy the sentence. Try to have the student sound out words and use previously learned sight words M Make a list of things you want and things you need
No school List 3 things that you see that are circle shape ex:clock Draw the class elf on the shelf Write your sight words 5x each: run boy girl when Write 2 sentence using this week’s sight words Draw 5 ornaments that are the same color and 5 ornaments that are different colors Draw 3 Christmas trees with 3 ornaments on each tree then count all the ornaments. How many ornaments? Tell your parents about what the elf on the shelf has been doing No homework Kindergarten concert 6:00 Write your sight words 5x each: get play how they Write 2 sentence using this week’s sight words Write a story using at least 4 sentences about a reindeer and draw a picture Write as many words as you can in the –et word family Draw a picture of those words Write the numerals and their names from 0-20 Ex: 1-one, 2-two Enjoy your Christmas break. Don’t for get to keep reading No school Write your sight words 5x each: got away was of as Write 2 sentence using this week’s sight words Write at least 5words in the –ed word family Draw a picture of those words No school 30 draw a picture and write 2-3 sentences about your Thanksgiving break
Type Here Write your numbers to 100 couting by 10’s Draw a snowman Write at least 5words in the –ip and -in word family Draw a picture of those words Solve this math by drawing it out: If you give a mouse 2 cookies and then he wants 3 more how many cookies will he have all together? Give your parents a hug No school Write sight words 5x each: out down from love Write 2 sentence using this week’s sight words Draw a picture about what you did over Christmas break then write 4 sentences about the picture Write at least 5words in the –en word family Draw a picture of those words Write 3 learning or behavior goals for the rest of the year Write 2 sentences about things you have already learned in kindergarten Write sight words 5x each: did too this it Write 2 sentence using this week’s sight words Write your numbers from 1-30 and number words 1-10 Write at least 5words in the –it and ig word family Draw a picture of those words Draw a picture using 3 squares, 2 triangles, and 5 circles. How many shapes did you draw all together? No school Sing a song Write sight words 5x each: him or by her Write 2 sentence using this week’s sight words Read to your parents smile