Title Partners
Summary (Historian’s Job) Brief summary that gives us background about the mystery First picture with caption
Location (Geographer’s Job) Where When mystery first “noticed” Second picture with caption
Location (Geographer’s Job) Other similar sightings Third picture with caption
Location (Historian’s Job) Landmarks or other reasons why the mystery may occur in this area Fourth Picture with Caption
Two Explanations (Historian’s Job) Explanations—should be at least TWO can be scientific or expert Fifth picture with caption
Eyewitness (Historian’s Job) Eyewitness accounts from at least one source who “experienced” or had first-hand knowledge of this mystery Sixth picture with caption
Partner #1 Beliefs Partner #1’s response to the BOTH OF YOU section Seventh picture selected by Partner #1
Partner #2 Beliefs Partner #2’s response to the BOTH OF YOU section Eighth picture selected by Partner #2