From Republic to Empire CHAPTER 5-2 CIRCA 100 B.C.E.
The End of the Roman Republic By 200 B.C.E. the Senate was in control of Rome. They directed wars, controlled both foreign and Domestic policy, including financial affairs. By this time, the division between rich & poor was growing. A small group of aristocrats controlled the Senate, and over time took the majority of all the land in Rome. By using slaves to work the land instead of free farmers, those farmers were now out of work, and a growing resentment towards the Aristocrats began.
The End of the Roman Republic Marius, a general who became consul, changed the way the Roman military was structured. Instead of maintaining a small Army made up of farmers who were land owners (not many left), he began to recruit the poor, promising land for military service. - These soldiers pledged their allegiance to the General, not Rome. * Another General, Sulla used these recruiting tactics to build up a private Army. Eventually the 2 private armies began to fight, and a civil war broke out in Rome.
The 1 st Triumvirate As the Roman Civil wars continued for 50 years, numerous aristocrats began forming their own private armies. By 31 B.C.E., Crassus, Pompey, and Julius Cesar came together to form the 1 st Triumvirate. Between these 3 military leader, they dominated the political scene. They split the Roman territory between them. The triumvirate would not last long as the 3 leaders began having disagreements among themselves. The triumvirate ends when Julius Caesar marches into Rome with his army and takes on Pompey’s army. Caesar will be victorious and was named dictator, or absolute ruler.
The 2 nd Triumvirate After Caesar is assassinated a new triumvirate is formed which includes 2 of Caesar's commanders Marc Antony & Lepidus. The 3 rd member is Octavian Caesar, Julius’ grandnephew. Eventually Lepidus looses all influence and the Roman empire is split between Marc Antony (Eastern Half) and Octavian Caesar (Western Half, Including Rome). Marc Antony would base himself in Egypt. From there he’s joins Queen Cleopatra, and together they begin a war with Octavian for control of the Entire Roman Empire. Octavian will win and at 32, he became the sole ruler of Rome.
The Beginning of the Roman Empire Octavian claims to have “restored the republic” when he reestablishes the senate. In reality he had full authority and only reestablished the senate to make it seem that the will of the people drove policy. Octavian, given the title of Augustus which means, the revered one. He was also given the title of imperator, or commander in chief. During Octavian’s rule, he grew the territory of Rome using the military which was under his control. Not all of his conquest would be successful though, In an attempt to conquer Germany he lost about 15,000 troops.
Roman Emperors Julius CaesarOctavian CaesarNero
Emperors and the Early Empire Octavian established the ability for the emperor to select his successor from his natural family or adopted family. The 4 emperors that followed him were all from his natural family including Nero. Nero was a vicious ruler, he imposed his will by killing all that opposed him, including his mother. The senate was unable to stop him since the emperor was in charge of the military. It’s only after his troops revolt that Nero loses his control & his life by committing suicide. After Nero's death, the following emperors were all peaceful and Rome endures a 200 year period of peace, known as Pax Romana.
The Empire Expands Rome extended into western Europe and the middle East, a large land empire. It became too large to govern. Aware that they may be spreading themselves to thin, Rome removed their forced from Mesopotamia. At it’s height, the Roman Empire had a population over 50 million. They controlled a quarter of the earth’s total population. By 212 C.E., any person who was free (i.e. not a slave) was granted citizenship. Rome’s economy was very fruitful. It grew due to trade along the Silk roads and sea trade, but farming was still the largest sector of the economy. A wide gulf was created amongst the wealthy & poor.
Height of Roman Empire