Professional progression of a subject librarian Suzanne Rushe Subject Librarian for Engineering Limerick Institute of Technology
Westside Public Library
Masters in Library & Information Studies 2009
Senate House Research Library 2010 PG Information Literacy Training Assistant
Natural History Museum London 2010 Cataloguer - Maxwell Knight Young Naturalist Project
Middlesex University Sheppard Library Liaison Librarian Pre-sessional & International Foundation Programmes
Limerick Institute of Technology Library Assistant/Subject Librarian for Engineering
CPD Planning and managing small projects ‘Developing your teaching skills’ Social Media for Librarians Interview Panel Training Teaching Information Literacy
Conferences/Seminars IFLA World Library and Information Congress Limerick Theme: Facing the Future: Librarians and Information Literacy in a Changing Landscape - co presented ‘The Winner Takes It All: Enhancing the Quality and Impact of Library Workshops’, J. Adam Edwards (Middlesex University, UK), Supporting Diverse Learners – 2012 Cultural Awareness training for new library staff The Information Professional Embracing New Roles and Technologies With Confidence – Professional progression of a subject librarian
PG Cert HE - Distance Learning Middlesex University London Associate Fellow of the HEA (AFHEA) If you’re new to teaching or you support student learning and want to formalise your experience and to progress, an HEA Associate Fellowship could add great value to your professional teaching experience. Support teaching/learning (e.g. as a learning technologist or learning resource staff member) Fellow of the HEA (FHEA) If you’ve a proven, sustained track record in HE teaching and you’re seeking recognition for your development, and to progress into a senior position. An early- career academic in a subject-specific role with substantive teaching and learning responsibilities.
Library Association of Ireland Continuing Professional Development “The Education Committee has recommended that all LAI members should engage in 25 hours CPD per annum. The CPD activity may include: Post-qualification academic courses ( further degrees, single modules) Attendance at courses/conferences/workshop Publications Professional association activities Professional reading” Source:
What can we do? Devise a personal blend of formal & informal activities E.g. Attend one formal training opportunity per year (e.g. Academic & National Library Training co-operative (ANLTC) workshop, weekend course, etc) Attend two conferences per year – one at home, one abroad (if funding available) OR present paper/poster at one conference per year Read two scholarly/professional articles per month – identify relevant journals Set up RSS feeds from blogs/sites of professional interest/set up relevant “follows” on Twitter Set up “Google Alerts” for articles on topics of interest Start own blog and update regularly (e.g. monthly) or post contributions to other blogs Join one CoP or committee and commit to that Gradually build up a Teaching Portfolio over one year (Peer observations etc)
Thank you! Any questions?
References: Brewerton, A. (2009) The Subject Librarian issue, Sconul Focus 45 (3) [accessed 16 June 2015] McGuinness, C (2007) The Teaching Librarian in Education: Strategies for Skills Development [accessed 14 June 2015] McGuinness, C. (2014) Keeping ahead of the curve, Library Management 35 (3) pp , available: [accessed 15 June 2015] Daniel, L. et al. (2011) Engaging with Library Users: sharpening our vision as Subject Librarians for the Duke University Libraries librarian-report-2011.pdf [accessed 18 June 2015]
Duke University – Sharpening our vision as Subject Librarians Engagement - take initiative to identify, meet and facilitate ongoing communication with faculty members and users Teaching & Learning – Design and implement instruction for library users through a variety of methods Research Services – Provide assistance in accessing library resources and services Collection Development – Develop and manage collections to support research and instruction in subject areas Digital Tools – Promote the use of subject-specific resources utilising current technologies and information tools Scholarly Communication – Promote the responsible use of resources Technical Services - (depends on particular position) work with Technical Services departments to ensure easy access to scholarly resources
CPD Methods FormalInformal Structured Full educational programmes (e.g. diplomas, certificates, etc) Short courses Workshops or seminars Online learning modules Communities of practice Professional learning communities Mentoring Self-Directed Mentoring/buddying Journal Clubs Publishing articles in the scholarly or professional literature Peer evaluation of teaching Delivering conference presentations or attending conferences Writing grant applications Participating in group funded projects Applying for teaching awards Staff development committees Blogging Journal-keeping Developing a teaching portfolio Reading the scholarly or professional literature “Following” relevant persons on Twitter Subscribing to blogs, RSS feeds, social sharing sites, etc
Carole L Davis Programme Leader Associate Professor in Education and Senior Teaching Fellow Telephone: +44 (0)