Today’s Sermon: Mark 14:22-31, “Jesus Turns The Passover Feast Into A Remembrance Feast” by Pastor Jim Bomkamp.


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Presentation transcript:

Today’s Sermon: Mark 14:22-31, “Jesus Turns The Passover Feast Into A Remembrance Feast” by Pastor Jim Bomkamp

Outline of today’s msg: 1. Discuss some of the events of Jesus’ last week with His disciples that Mark doesn’t include. 2. Look at the history & meaning of the Passover feast, drawing particularly from Exodus 6 (& 7 declarative statements), and discuss why Jesus turned it into the Lord’s Supper. 3. Look at what Jesus’ statements made in the feast signify. 4. Look at the order that was typically followed in the Passover feast, & see where Jesus inaugurated the Lord’s Supper. 5. Talk about who is eligible to receive the elements and why. 6. Discuss the unity of mind and purpose that observance of the Lord’s Supper is supposed to bring.

Mark 14:22-26: Jesus inagurates the Lord’s Supper

The mere fact that Mark included this story speaks volumes about its central importance in the lives of all disciples.

Why did Jesus inaugurate the Lord’s Supper during the observance of the Passover Feast? 1. The Passover Feast was to remember the miraculous deliverance of the Israelites. 2. The seven declarative “I will” statements from Exodus 6:6-8: a. ‘I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians.’ b. ‘I will deliver you from their bondage.’ c. ‘I will also redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great judgments.’ d. ‘I will take you for My people.’ e. ‘I will be your God.’ f. ‘I will bring you to the land which I swore to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.’ g. ‘I will give it to you for a possession.’

Why did Jesus inaugurate the Lord’s Supper during the observance of the Passover Feast? Continued… 3. We all tend to forget so many things in life. 4. The blood of the Passover lamb…

1-Blessing over the first cup of wine by the head of the feast (the host). 8-Blessings over the bread 2-Ceremonial washing of hands by the host. 9-Eating of the bread, dipped in bitter herbs 3-Dipping of bitter herbs.10-Eating of Paschal lamb 4-Second cup of wine poured.11-After supper, the host poured the third cup of wine 5-Asking questions by the youngest son (Exodus 12:26 ) 12-The second portion of the Hallel, Psalms recited 6-Singing of first part of Hallel, Psalms 113, 114, and drinking of second cup of wine 13- Drinking of fourth cup 7-Second washing of hands14-Closing song or hymn Order of the Passover Meal:

1-Blessing over the first cup of wine by the head of the feast (the host). 8-Blessings over the bread 2-Ceremonial washing of hands by the host. 9-Eating of the bread, dipped in bitter herbs 3-Dipping of bitter herbs. 10-Eating of Paschal lamb 4-Second cup of wine poured.11-After supper, the host poured the third cup of wine 5-Asking questions by the youngest son (Exodus 12:26 ) 12-The second portion of the Hallel, Psalms recited 6-Singing of first part of Hallel, Psalms 113, 114, and drinking of second cup of wine 13- Drinking of fourth cup 7-Second washing of hands14-Closing song or hymn When did Jesus inaugurate Lord’s Supper?

1-Blessing over the first cup of wine by the head of the feast (the host). 8-Blessings over the bread 2-Ceremonial washing of hands by the host. 9-Eating of the bread, dipped in bitter herbs 3-Dipping of bitter herbs.10-Eating of Paschal lamb 4-Second cup of wine poured.11-After supper, the host poured the third cup of wine 5-Asking questions by the youngest son (Exodus 12:26 ) 12-The second portion of the Hallel, Psalms recited 6-Singing of first part of Hallel, Psalms 113, 114, and drinking of second cup of wine 13- Drinking of fourth cup 7-Second washing of hands 14-Closing song or hymn Where did Jesus wash their feet?

1-Blessing over the first cup of wine by the head of the feast (the host). 8-Blessings over the bread 2-Ceremonial washing of hands by the host. 9-Eating of the bread, dipped in bitter herbs 3-Dipping of bitter herbs.10-Eating of Paschal lamb 4-Second cup of wine poured.11-After supper, the host poured the third cup of wine 5-Asking questions by the youngest son (Exodus 12:26 ) 12-The second portion of the Hallel, Psalms recited 6-Singing of first part of Hallel, Psalms 113, 114, and drinking of second cup of wine 13- Drinking of fourth cup 7-Second washing of hands14-Closing song or hymn What part of Passover wasn’t observed?

Why must one first examine himself before he partakes of the Lord’s Supper?

The partaking of the Lord’s Supper was meant to be something that brought all believers together into the greatest of unity

Mark 14:27-31: Jesus warns they will all fall away, then tells Peter that he will deny Him three times before the cock crows twice