Day 39: Thursday, Nov. 5th Agenda: Pre-Reading Strategies SSR Vocabulary Anticipation Guide
SSR Read quietly for 10 minutes.
You will need: ❏ Pen/pencil ❏ 2 New Handouts: Anticipation Guide - “The Cask of Amontillado” (2 stapled pages) Vocabulary Comprehension Strategies (1 Sheet)
Learning Targets 1-2 The students will: 1.familiarize themselves with unknown vocabulary before they read the story 2.activate prior knowledge to think about the underlying themes within “The Cask of Amontillado”
Learning Targets 3-4 Students will also... 3.evaluate their classmates’ ideas and build on their ideas or respectfully disagree 4. Make connections to their life
Success Criteria By the end of class, successful students will have: ❏ defined unknown words ❏ completed the anticipation guide about revenge quotations ❏ discussed their views on the revenge quotations ❏ made connections to their life
Vocabulary Comprehension Strategies ❖ As you read the story, you will discover that many words will be unfamiliar to you. ❖ A total of eight are defined in the margins of the text. Looking back to these definitions as you read will be important. ❖ Another 20 are defined at the bottom of pages Reading these definitions as they appear will also help you understand the story.
There are 8 other important words defined below: (We will put them into our own words, and use them to discover some clues about the story’s plot.)
Cask (372, 376) A large wooden barrel with legs to hold wine
Avenged (372) To have earned revenge
Afflicted (374) To be ill or troubled.
Absconded (374) Snuck out- To have secretly left
Explicit (374) Clear with specific details
Descent (376) To move from a high place to a lower place
Gait (375) A person’s style of walking
Crypt (376) An underground room used to bury people
Use the words to fill in the blanks so that sentence B means the same as sentence A. 1.Cask (372) A large wooden barrel with legs to hold wine 2.Avenged (372) To have earned revenge 3.Afflicted (374) To be made sick 4.Absconded (374) to have snuck away 5.Explicit (374) Clear, detailed, and direct 6.Descent (376) A long, down-hill hike 7.Gait (375) The style a person uses to walk 8.Crypt (376) A cave used to bury people
1. AI will get revenge! After we walk down this dark path you will pay! BI must be ________________ ! After the long __________ you will pay! 1. AI will get revenge! After we walk down this dark path you will pay! BI must be avenged! After the long descent you will pay!
2) AMy employees snuck out of the house while I was looking at the big barrels of wine. BMy servants_______________ from my home while I was showing off my collection of wine-filled ________. 2) AMy employees snuck out of the house while I was looking at the big barrels of wine. BMy servants absconded from my home while I was showing off my collection of wine-filled casks.
3)ABecause he was sick with a cold, I told my enemy very clearly he could leave the cave. BMy enemy was _______________ with a bad cough but I told him with __________ words we could leave the cave if the damp air was making it hard to breathe. 3)ABecause he was sick with a cold, I told my enemy very clearly he could leave the cave. BMy enemy was afflicted with a bad cough but I told him with explicit words we could leave the cave if the damp air was making it hard to breathe.
4 )AHe was drunk and stumbled as he walked into the large, burial cave. BHis _______________ was unsteady as he stumbled around in the dark __________. 4 )AHe was drunk and stumbled as he walked into the large, burial cave. BHis gait was unsteady as he stumbled around in the dark crypt.
Anticipation Guide- REVENGE! “The Cask of Amontillado” is the title of our next short story. We will now discuss 4 quotes that relate to REVENGE, which is a THEME of the story.
Part A: Anticipation Guide For each of the following quotations you will: 1. Explain the meaning in your own words 2. Decide how strongly you agree or disagree with its meaning ( ) 3. Explain why you agree or disagree with the quotation
Quote #1
Quote #2 -Robert F. Kennedy
Quote #3 “She got even in a way that was almost cruel. She forgave them.” –Ralph McGill (about Eleanor Roosevelt)
Quote #4 Success is the sweetest revenge. Vanessa Williams
Expectations for Discussion ❏ Raise your hand to talk. ❏ Listen to each other’s point of view. ❏ Remember to “tally” your responses.
Part B: On the back of the vocab sheet, answer the following questions. Prepare to share! (See Half Sheet) 1.Has anyone ever done anything to you that made you want to get revenge on them? What did they do that made you want to retaliate? 2. If the person did not intentionally hurt you and you knew that, would getting revenge still be justified? 3. If the revenge clearly worked and you really hurt your adversary, how would you feel? 4. Write a 3 sentence prediction about the plot of the story “The Cask of Amontillado”.