Session III: Hazard Risk Management: Concepts and New Initiatives, Hazards of Nature, Risks and Opportunities for Development in South Asian Countries:


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Presentation transcript:

Session III: Hazard Risk Management: Concepts and New Initiatives, Hazards of Nature, Risks and Opportunities for Development in South Asian Countries: Learning the Lessons from Past Disasters-Preparing for the Future, December 19-20, 2006, Delhi Do Global Strategies have Local Roots and Impact? South Asian NGOs in Hazard Risk Management: Complementing Regional Strategy with Direct Action, Knowledge, and Subsidiarity Mihir R. Bhatt Honorary Director All India Disaster Mitigation Institute 411, Sakar Five, Near Natraj Cinema Ashram Road, Ahmedabad , India Tel: / , Fax: Website:

Contents Key Message. South Asia’s Strategy Context. Studies Establish Competence of South Asian NGOs in DRR. Risk Reduction is Local. Experience in South Asia. NGOs already Significantly Contribute to DRR Summary

Key Message Global strategies do not always reflect local reality NGO participation in Regional DRR Strategy is necessary for success” both in design and implementation.

South Asia’s Strategy Context South Asia: –High disaster impact –Cultural diversity Diverse groups: unique histories of coping Regional NGOs work closely with diverse groups and have emerged from local needs. Hub of Innovations Source: Hotspots Global Distribution of Disaster Risk Hotspots: (Based on Mortality) Red=Top two deciles

Studies Establish Competence of South Asian NGOs in DRR Evidence suggests NGOs are good at direct action. –UNDP-supported NGOs in tsunami recovery –Office of Special Envoy’s NGO Impact Initiative –Gujarat Earthquake 2001 Community Survey by ProVention Evidence suggests capable in knowledge management (research, training, evaluations). –UNIFEM-supported NGOs in tsunami recovery –Over 100 papers submitted to First India Disaster Management Congress Subsidiary level of support and information –Effectiveness of Aid: Paris Declaration –Oxfam International: Sri Lanka and South India –Disasters Emergency Committee’s 11 INGOs

Risk Reduction is Local Tsunami Evaluation Coalition –“The evaluation finds that local ownership of the tsunami response was undermined and some local capacities were rendered more vulnerable by the response to the disaster.” Local groups have skills and abilities to cope and recover. Often lack some resources and opportunities, latent or articulated. Local and national NGOs assist communities to access assets, credit, and rights.

Experience in South Asia Investments in BOTH government systems and community institutions are needed. Smaller investments at community levels have large impacts. Further quantitative research is necessary. Impact of Investment Investment Amount Community Government Effectiveness of Investment

NGOs Already Significantly Contribute to DRR… Bank’s IEG Report p.64: –“NGOs are involved in 38 percent of the disaster projects financed by the Bank.” Key contributions –Disaster management strategies –Designing and piloting innovative risk Management projects –Facilitating knowledge management for current and future risks With increased privatisation and decentralisation, contributions of NGOs growing.

Summary Global policies, frameworks, and research important, However A Regional Strategy in South Asia needs NGOs in order to achieve local impact and develop local capacities to reduce risks and manage recovery.