North Carolina Chamber Sales & Retention Team
> 2 “Best Customer” List / Cornerstone Growth:
> 3 Team Overview / Approach >Grow our Cornerstone membership of $5,000+ investors >Create high-level, impressive F2F meetings >Welcome or onboard by phone/ in months 1-2 >Another F2F visit by our Member Engagement Manager in months 4-6 >Identify problem accounts early, including prime contact changes, solve by F2F visit or phone follow up
> 4 Team Structure Ed Troha Vice President Matt Curran Member Development Manager Greg Michalek Member Development Manager Meaghan Lewis Member Engagement Manager Carolyn Smith Kerr Member Relations & Development Manager Team lead Performs F2F visits Member of Leadership Team Visit Cornerstone prime contact changes Assist as needed with functions such as recruiting new Board Members Sets up F2F visits Performs all follow up to close and collect 250+ employees and/or $50 million prospect breakfasts / year Assists with calling delinquent members Sets up F2F visits Performs all follow up to close and collect employees Attempts to visit new members (70% accept) Drives 75% retention of 1 st year accounts Organize regional membership briefings Takes responsibility for appearance of sales/retention collateral Visit prime contact changes Membership retention Upgrades Delinquents Tracks prime contact changes
> 5 Cornerstone Member Recruitment Snapshot: January – August 2015 >$195,665 >39 new members – averaging $5,017 >Scheduled 200 F2F appoints >159 occurred (80% run rate) >39/159 = 25% running close rate
> 6 Average Turnaround >Scheduled 200 F2F appointments >159 occurred (80% run rate) >39/159 = 25% running close rate >Approximately 3 visits/day while in the field >Ed/Jim approximately 53 work days in the field >53/176 work days = 30% field time 117 Days F2F visit YES 37 Days Invoiced $
> 7 1 st Year New Member Visits >In person thank you >“We know you’re pulled in different directions for memberships” >“We aren’t the organization where you send a check and never hear from us again” >Summarize legislative wins >Especially helpful to members that do not read weekly publications >Value in seeing the location/culture of our members >Small to large businesses; family run or corporate etc. >Identify potential upgrades >Identify “red flag” accounts well before renewal date >Identify level of engagement >“mission member” or needs more involvement >Presence outside of Raleigh
> 8 Best Practices >Setting appointments >Don’t give up! >Be nice to the assistant >Combine voic with >Don’t be afraid to start off with a victory – “I’ve got good news..” >Follow Up >Don’t give up! >Don’t be afraid to use a cell # >Don’t be afraid to call before 8 a.m., during lunch, after 5 p.m. >Get commitment/schedule time to follow up >Staff should remember that they are part of a team; that mindset is critical to success
> 9 F2F Meeting “Musts” >Create dialogue early >Share my personal why >Find out what is important to them. Ask Questions. But not yet. >Provide Context / Share strategy >Be clear who we are and who we are not >“The NC Chamber is a special interest group and our special interest is you, the job creator / employer / business” >40-50% of issues that matter to our members originate at the state level >Show concrete, quantifiable results >Share upcoming or future priorities which are not yet solved >Show how they can be involved without leaving their desk >What happens in Raleigh matters and we can win or lose >Define well-funded opposition. This creates contrast. >Present a third party endorsement >Trial close – what else do you need to know? >Present proposal >Learn how they make decisions >When can we follow up?
> 10 Contact Us Ed Troha