1 INSPIRE Conference, Edinburgh 1 Theme Agricultural and Aquaculture facilities
2 AF definition (INSPIRE, 2007) Farming equipment and production facilities (including irrigation systems, greenhouses and stables). [Directive 2007/2/EC]
3 AF Scope Included: Facilities for primairy production of food, animal feed and raw materials. Facilities for growing of plants, breeding, raising and keeping of animals. Excluded: Operational information about agriculture and aquaculture production and products. Tracking and tracing of products (GFL) Forestry Hunting Catching fish Pets,horses and zoo animals Processing of products
4 Relation with other themes Production facilitiesshare base facility model Utility services Buildings Landuse Landcover Soil Health
5 AF features Agriculture and aquaculture in one model. Core elements: Holding Site FarmAnimal Extended elements: AgriBuilding Plot Production Unit Installation: –aquaculture, –watermanagement, –installation part
6 AF core model
7 AF extended model
8 AF use cases Focus on Health, food safety and sanitairy issues Events, accidents and disaster management Environmental risks
9 AF scope issues The delimitation of the scope to Agricultural and Aquaculture activities excluding of it all the activities in which animals are reared or housed for other kind or purposes. (e.g equestrian centers, zoo, etc). Fisheries and hunting areas have been excluded considering them under the scope of other TWGs. Irrigation and transport networks (rural roads) finally were not included on detailed description based on the GCM “network model“. The definition of “Plots” as a generic way to refers delimited portions of land in parallel to cadastral parcels, crops units, …
10 AF Issues 1 Differences between “Facility” and “Site” having into account the description proposed by the cross legislation for both terms. Hierarchical representation of entities “Site” – “Facility” – “Installations” – Others. Relation between “Facilities” and “Buildings”. Considering buildings as integrated part of the “Facilities”. Links with “Addresses” or “Cadastral parcels”. Which entity could be potentially linked with them. (e.g. Scope of “Installations” versus “Buildings” based on the common use of the term “constructions” on both descriptions. Different ways to link information related with “interested parties” (owner, legal representative, operator,…).
11 AF Issues 2 Limits of the scope between the geographical and the operational information. The model is also dependant of other crossed discussion between experts as "Code List" or "References to legal acts or documents". Based on the final recommendations, the model could be modified in order to include them.
12 AF issues 3 More work to be done on Data Quality. Metadata. Delivery. Annex Use Cases Cross theme issues. ( health, landcover, land use, soil, hydrography, networks)
13 AF testing and comments Complexity of the extended model The proposed codelists Data quality Use cases