Canteen: a small container used especially by soldiers and hikers for carrying water or other liquids
Blanket roll/Bedroll: The bedroll basically consisted of one blanket, tightly rolled up into a cylinder, which was then doubled over, bound together at the ends, and worn over the shoulder. In some cases, a tin cup or mucket was tied to the end of the bedroll.
Haversack: a single-strapped bag worn over one shoulder and used for carrying supplies.
Musket: a heavy, large-caliber smoothbore gun for infantry soldiers, introduced in the 16th century: the predecessor of the modern rifle.
Ramrod: A rod used to force the charge into a muzzleloading firearm Bayonet: A blade adapted to fit the muzzle end of a rifle and used as a weapon in close combat. Scabbard: A sheath, as for a dagger or sword.
Cavalry: mounted soldiers; troops on horseback
Army Hierarchy Region- 1,000,000 plus soldiers Army- 60,000 to 100,000 Corps- 30,000-80,000 Division- 10, ,000 Brigade- 2,000-5,000 Regiment- 2,000-3,000 Battalion ,000 Company Platoon Section Squad- 8-16
Other terms Demonstration - In this strategic maneuver, used frequently during the Civil War, a detached unit from the main force made a show of strength on a portion of the enemy's line not actually targeted for attack, distracting the enemy while an attack was made elsewhere. Demonstrations were useful to large bodies of troops as well as small ones. Battery- refers to one or more pieces of artillery. Usually, a Field Battery of Artillery was attached to each Infantry Brigade, and this Battery would include 1 captain, 3 lieutenants, 150 men with 6 guns and 88 horses.