The Mongol AND Ming
Mongol Origins Nomadic horse people N. China Grasslands Raised horses, tended sheep Felt tents: Yerts, Ger Language: Altaic (Rel. To Turkic, Manchurian) Could not marry between tribes and clans
Organization Families-->Clans-->Tribes--> Tribes gathered during annual migration Chiefs elected. Based on nobility, military ability, wisdom, leadership skills Religion: Shamanism Nature deities, but key God is the Sky God Sacred color: blue
Temujin: Ghengis Khan b. 1167, son of tribal chief Father poisoned…fled as youth Returned as adult, avenged father, Eventually chief By age forty had unified all Mongol tribes Battles, alliances, ability to survive Elected as the Great Khan Amazing talents along with sons and grandsons
positive aspects of the Mongol conquests promoted commercial and cultural exchanges global civilizations stable government based on precedents provided lengthy period of peace
Mongol Army Tactics All males 15-70 served in army Organized into“Myriads” or tumen (10,000’s) Units within each of 1000, 100, and 10 Unpaid Elaborate signals Soldiers supplied military equipment
Conquest Intelligence gathering high priority Foreign experts and advisors Every man carried own supplies; had 2 horses. Loyalty oaths Creation of Yasa, law code
32 million square kilometers
Divisions at Genghis Khan’s Death Four Khanates Kipchak Khanate (Golden Hoarde) Russia IlKhanate Persia Chagatai Khanate Mongolia Great Khanate China, Outer Mongolia, Border States, to which the others owed allegiance. Later became the Yuan Dynasty
China under Mongol Rule Kublai Khan conquered all of China and defeated the Song. Ruled from Cambulac (Beijing) Called himself the Yuan dynasty (1271-1368) Building Projects Religious Toleration Ethnic Ranking Marco Polo spent 17 years in Kublai’s service