Success Criteria Have ALL “5-A-Day” work printed, in your file, in the correct order & record the marks YOU consider them worth. KeyWords Organise, self assess, record, Starter Update your SPB file with any unprinted, or improved work. Make sure it is in the correct order. Use to help decide. DiDA: unit 1- self assessment
Main Task Open the file: Public/ICT/DiDA/marking_grid DiDA-unit1 Self-assess your own work and record the scores. Use the calculator to convert to a percentage (percentage =mark possible X 100)
What PERCENTAGE do you need to achieve for each GCSE equivalent GRADE? Is there ANY work you can complete / improve today to make your grade better? Make sure you PRINT IT!
If you still have time! Public/ICT/DiDA/banghangmanict Public/ICT/DiDA/hardwareandsoftware_quiz