AP Economics October 28, Warm up—What is Macroeconomics? 2. Chapter 17 review 3. Election issue: Is the media biased? (notes and discussion) 4. Exam results
AP Economics October 29, Warm up—Who is the great macroeconomist? 2. Chapter 17 discussed 3. Fox News: the entertainment factor? (10 minutes)
AP Economics November 1, Warm up—Who will win the Presidential election? Explain your rationale. 2. Macro concerns 3. Government policy 4. Circular flow diagram 5. Three market areas 6. Methodology 7. Trends/cycles in the US economy
AP Economics November 2, Warm up—What are supply- side policies? 2. Trends/cycles in the US economy 3. Quick review of CH 17 topics 4. Problems for Chapter 18
AP Economics November 4, Warm up—How do we measure economic growth? 2. Chapter 17 exam 3. Chapter 18 problem sets 1- 12
AP Economics November 5, students should be selected to present the answers to the problem sets from chapter 18. Others should assist them.
AP Economics November 8, Warm up—What does GDP measure? 2. The ups and downs of GDP. notes EXAM on Chapter 18 tomorrow
AP Economics November 9, Warm up—What is GNP? 2. Chapter 18 problem sets
AP Economics November 10, Warm up—What is the underground economy? 2. Chapter 18 problem sets (continued) EXAM on Chapter 18 Friday.
AP Economics November 12, Warm up—What does real GDP per capita measure? 2. Chapter 18 Exam 3. Taking care of business 4. Chapter 19
AP Economics November 15, Warm up—What is the ideal economy? 2. The Commanding Heights (part 1) 3. Exam results, papers, etc.
AP Government November 16, Warm up—Who makes up the labor force? 2. The Commanding Heights continued (video, notes, discussion) 3. Long-Run Output and Productivity Growth; recessions and depressions 4. Unemployment
AP Government November 18, Warm up—How is inflation like a teenager? 2. Test info 3. Commanding Heights continued Chapter 20 exam has been moved to Tuesday
AP Government November 19, Warm up— 2. Silent Review 3. EXAM 4. Commanding Heights
Reminder Chapter 20 will be a self-study chapter. There will be no formal discussion in class. Exam on Chapter 20 will be the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.