Human Rights and Democracy in Action EC/CoE Pilot Projects Scheme
Overall Objective To contribute to the promotion of human rights, democracy and the rule of law through education
The Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education (Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)7) The Strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training Key Instruments
Intergovernmental cooperation Bilateral programmes Capacity building Cooperation with other international institutions Part of a Bigger Picture
The Pilot Projects Scheme What: Funding programme for cooperation projects Who: Involves 3 to 8 countries, open to 50 States Party to the European Cultural Convention How: collection of data, development of tools and their piloting
5 projects implemented 2 projects under way 20 countries involved Facts and Figures:
Teacher training Curriculum Skills for promoting social cohesion, valuing diversity and handling differences and conflict Teacher training on dealing with controversial issues Competences for critical assessment of online information ` Addressing violence at school What do the projects focus on?
Innovation Ownership Concrete results, immediately available for use in the participating countries and for further adaptation in other countries Added Value of the Pilot Projects Scheme
edc-hre-pilot-projects/home Further information