Wellspring Medical Center Clark/Kjos Architect, LLC
» The lighting give a calm, therapeutic environment and is inspired by nature » The building also takes advantage of natural daylight for an energy saving strategy. This was a challenge because the building is an old K-mart and getting natural light to the interior was a problem. They solved this issue by incorporating courtyards and using floor to ceiling windows. We can apply the way the building uses natural lighting in our medical building by having large windows that separate the building and the green space. I also like the soft indirect lighting used to make the walls glow and give it a more dynamic feel.
» There was a challenge of transforming the empty K- Mart building and designing within the constraints of the ‘box’. They overcame this problem with adding curved walls that make the circulation flow easily. The curved walls and drop down ceilings help distinguish certain areas of public use spaces.
» The materials are calm and warm that are inspired by nature. WellSpring incorporates “green” materials (low-VOC, recycled content, rapidly renewable) and this helps in keeping with it holistic theme of health. The materials are all natural and give comfort to the patients. The materials also help designate different use spaces. In the Commons (main public circulation) curved wooden lattice was hung as a ceiling to add warmth and create a sense of movement through the area.
» The materials definitely help distinguish the way-finding not only with different materials on the floor but also on the ceiling. The forms also help with the way-finding by the different curves distinguishing the flow of circulation and also by differentiating destinations. They also placed services like the retail and bistro between the front door and these are used as anchors so visitors become aware of them. In addition to promoting good way-finding and relaxing spaces, the gardens help to blur the distinction between indoor and outdoor spaces.
The circulation is centralized around the healing garden. The curved walls help keep the person moving through the space. I think the order used in the planning makes sense and is easy to navigate around the building.
» WellSpring incorporates “green” materials and construction practices by reusing materials and recycling. It uses day lighting and high performance glass, bringing nature indoors with the gardens, rain catch basin for integrated water features and many other sustainable strategies. The features are explained on displays in and around the building to educate the public. I think this synergy works for the precedent because it puts to use sustainable design features and educates the public on them. While doing this, the design also encourages people to live healthy themselves while learning how to be healthy in the clinic. » I think we could use this idea of informing the public on how our building uses sustainable strategies throughout the building and by combining being sustainable and telling the public how we are being sustainable, we would have synergetic domains.
» The graphics on the façade of the building has the branding of the Silverton Hospital that is 10 miles away. This ties the center back to the Hospital and also echoes the facades red wall and wood trellis. » The concept of the wellness center is to promote a highly inviting, integrated and collaborative environment which will empower its customers to take charge of their health.
The architectural materials, patterns, textures, colors, and forms are all inspired by nature. By bringing the elements that are environmental friendly, WellSpring walks the talk to all of its patients and visitors.
» In keeping with Wellspring’s mission of holistic health, the building’s design and construction practices incorporated sustainable design and green materials » Reuse 100% of the old “big box” store’s shell was reused and 90% of the construction waste was recycled » Energy: day lighting through large windows and skylights, specialized glazing to reduce heat gain, and high- efficiency HVAC equipment and light fixtures » Materials: Renewable and LOW VOC products and the use of recycled content » Furniture: the majority was manufactured locally » Landscape: there are two large interior healing gardens, low water consumption and low- maintenance plantings, the parking lot plantings reduce heat island effects, and the outdoor water feature utilizes reclaimed water I think we could use all of these sustainable ideas for our medical building
» The main goals of redesigning the entry was to eliminate the old bi box store and to transform it into a welcoming and comforting entry. » This is done by the overhang curving and extending toward the road and the use of warm materials. The soft lighting also aids to the inviting atmosphere of the entrance.