What important purposes or activities do you feel that the church should be involved in?
In this week’s study, we will learn about how the church was born, and how they began to carry out the purposes and characteristics of the risen Lord.
Filled with Power Acts 2:1-47 family theme: The church is born. family theme: The church is born.
The Church Is Empowered By the Spirit Acts 2:1-13
The Church Is Empowered By the Spirit As these early Christians met together on the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit suddenly came upon them. After they received the Holy Spirit, they went out in public prophesying and preaching the gospel and witnessing many people trust Christ for the forgiveness of sins.
Acts 2 demonstrates that God established the church to make disciples and transfer the faith.
The church is the fellowship of believers who are empowered by the Holy Spirit to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. How did things change for the early believers when the Spirit came to dwell in them?
The church is the fellowship of believers who are empowered by the Holy Spirit to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. In what ways does the Holy Spirit help us to minister and share the gospel with others?
The Church Proclaims the Message of Christ Acts 2:14-41
Peter’s sermon proclaimed the fact that we cannot save ourselves, we need a Savior, and that God offers salvation and forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ.
The Church Proclaims the Message of Christ Peter confronted his listeners with their sin, but also God’s offer of forgiveness. He told them to repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of their sins. As a result, several thousand people accepted Christ as their personal Savior.
The message of the church focuses on the work of Jesus Christ and the forgiveness He alone provides. What were the main components of the gospel message as reflected in Peter’s sermon? Why do you think Peter said so much in his sermon about Christ’s resurrection?
The Church Loves God and Loves People Acts 2:42-47
The Church Loves God and Loves People Fellowship, sharing, and sacrificing to meet the needs of their group members was how they loved each other. The unity of the body was of premier importance.
The priorities of the early church demonstrate that God established the church to make disciples and transfer the faith.
The church is the growing community of joyous believers loving God and loving people. How does devotion to the priorities of the early church help people grow in their faith? What are some specific ways we can meet each other’s needs and care for one another?
“5 Purposes of the Church” Fellowship Discipleship Worship Ministry Evangelism
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