The Beginnings of Christianity The Ancient Romans The Beginnings of Christianity
Religion and the Romans The Greek culture influenced Roman religion. The Romans basically renamed all of the same gods and goddesses. Worship of the __________ was an important part of Roman public and private life. gods
Religion and the Romans worship The Romans believed that proper _____________ of the gods _________________ the empire from harm. As Rome grew, the ___________________ took control of choosing religious leaders and made laws to ________________ those who did not worship the Roman gods. protected government punish
A New Alternative provinces souls salvation Unlike the Roman religion, some other religions promised rewards for believers. In Roman ______________ some people followed a religion that promised believers that their __________ would be saved from evil and that there would be life after death. This promise of ___________________ changed people’s thinking about religion and made Christianity very popular. provinces souls salvation
Jesus and His Teachings Christianity ___________________ is based on the life and teaching of Jesus. He taught that there is one God and told of the coming of God’s Kingdom. People followed him.
Under Roman Control disciples Wherever Jesus taught, he gained new followers. He told his ________________, his closest followers, to love their enemies. disciples
A Savior Arrives messiah rebellion One belief of Judaism is that person sent by God will come to bring justice to the world. Some people started to think that he was the ______________ sent by God. Roman leaders were afraid that Jesus’ teaching would stir ________________ against Roman rule. They ordered his death. messiah rebellion
Back From the Dead resurrection Jesus’ followers said that three days after his death, he rose from the dead. The story of this __________________ spread throughout the empire. resurrection
The Spread of Christianity apostles The ________________, or people sent out to teach others, taught about Jesus. Christians refused to worship Roman gods, so Romans began to _________________ them. Many Christians died as _____________ for their beliefs. persecute martyrs
Spreading the Word Gospels Christians began writing about Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection in the ______________________. Writings by Christians played an important role in the spread of Christianity. Paul’s letters, the Gospels, and other writing were combined to form the New Testament. Gospels
Rome and the New Religion Around A.D. 313, the Roman emperor Constantine made Christianity an accepted religion, so persecution stopped. In A.D. 392, under the emperor ________________, Christianity became the empire’s official religion. Its leader was a ____________. Theodosius I pope