PART VII The Anglican Orthodox Church Statesville, North Carolina Prepared for us of the Anglican Orthodox Church by Bishop Jerry Ogles
The CHURCH I BELIEVE IN THE Holy Catholic Church!
What is meant by the Holy Catholic Church? “Holy” – ordained and consecrated by God “Catholic” – Universal and of One Body (NOT Roman Catholic) “Church” – Derives from the Greek (kuriakon), meaning: House of the Lord, then, of His people! Another term for our modern understanding is ‘Ekklesia’ which means a public assembly summoned by a herald (Acts 19:32, 39-40). In the Old testament, Ekklesia meant the assembly of the congregation of Israel before the Lord; so, in the New – Ekklesia has the same meaning – the assembly of God’s people about the Messiah and in His Name. (Christian).
God does not change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His plan represents a solid unbroken line of faithful from Abraham until today. Abraham and his descendants (by faith) believed the promise of God and were His people. The Old Testament Church looked FORWARD to the fulfillment of God’s promise to send a Savior. Enormous faith was necessary to believe the promise before its consummation. But Abraham DID believe and was thus saved thereby. Today, the Church looks back on the accomplished fact of Christ’s coming and sacrifice, thus we are emboldened to believe the fact if we faint at the promise. “This is he, that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us”: Acts 7:38 (KJV)
The Church is the figurative Body of Christ and might even be considered the very Body of Christ collectively. It is referred to as His Bride. It is the family of God by blood relationship – we are all related to God and to one another by the sinless Blood of Christ. Though St. Patrick’s is a beautiful structure for worship, it is not the Church. It may contain, for worship purposes, part of the Church at sundry times; but the Church of Christ has no walls or borders. It is spiritually boundless. The hearts of the believer, being the Temple of God, is scattered abroad from desert dune, to jungle wilderness, to busy streets of great cities, and in private homes where Jesus is loved and worshipped. The Church is a continuation of the works of old of God, and His Son, Jesus Christ. Christ works in and through the Church by the efficacious workings of the Holy Ghost.
From the beginning in Genesis, all Creation was overseen by God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost.
But in conformity to the will of the Father, Christ purchased the Church with His own blood – what a Dowry Christ paid for you and me! So the church, and all of its ministries, must be centered around the Word and Will of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is our Banner and Ensign, and our Plumbline of Perfection.
The Lord Jesus Christ
Today, more than ever before, there are groups who misrepresent themselves as the Church of Christ. Yet, they are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan; for they live for the world and not the Lord. They reject His authority and Word. Such churches are more political and social than spiritual and righteous. They do not bear the marks of the true church. “As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the LORD; My spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed's seed, saith the LORD, from henceforth and for ever.” Isaiah 59:21 (KJV)
The Anglican Orthodox Church, and some others faithful to God, is not large and powerful in the eyes of the world. Yet, we have tried diligently to faithfully adhere in love and truth to God’s Word. It has not been easy for the magnet of the world pulls strongly at our keel, and the winds of doubt and temptation bow our main mast; however, it is better to reject inordinate and unholy growth that leads to apostasy; so we sail straight on our course and tack against those winds that would lead us astray. It is my prayer that there are a great many more true Christians that are not party to the big and elaborate churches for, if they remain in the compromised churches of our day, they may suffer the doom of Lot and his family at Sodom.
The foundation and Light of the Church is Jesus Christ. He is the Rock upon which under pinings are secured. Peter was a stone and chip from that Rock, but Jesus is the Rock! (1 Cor 10:4)
When Paul and the other Apostles make reference to the people of God they refer to ‘The Church’ – not ‘the churches’. Because the Church is One Body though made up of different parts and organs – all devoted to the same end of love and service under Christ. This has been just a very brief discussion of the Church. It is my hope that each viewer will take the time to study more deeply about this, the second institution of God on earth – the first being the family!