Moses: The Bridegroom of Blood Lessons About Leadership From Exodus 4:24-26
A Puzzling Passage What We Do Not Know… Why Moses had not already circumcised his son How God was going to kill Moses Why Zipporah performed the circumcision Which son was circumcised (Ex. 4:20; 18:1-5) Why Zipporah spoke the way she did
A Puzzling Passage What We Do Know… God had commanded circumcision of Abraham (Gen. 17:10-14) God had called Moses to lead Israel out of bondage because of God’s covenant with Abraham (Ex. 3-4) God had considered this matter serious (Ex. 4:24)
A Puzzling Passage Like Jacob (Gen. 32) and Balaam (Num. 22), God had a matter to settle before the man could proceed If Moses was to carry out his divine commission with success, he must prove himself to be a faithful servant of the Lord in his own house (Heb. 3:2)
Principles of Leadership Get your life right first before helping others (Mt. 7:1-5); practice what you preach (Mt. 23:3) One “small,” “little” thing lacking can hinder one’s service to God (Mk. 10:21; Jas. 2:10) Leaders are not exempt from obedience; God is no respecter of persons (Ac. 10:34-35) Consider how to be the most effective in leading others (Acts 16:3; Phil. 2:15) True repentance involves urgency (2 Cor. 7:11)
Principles of Leadership Be right with God first before going ahead in life (Josh. 5:2-9; Jer. 9:26; Rom. 2:29; Phil. 3: 3; Col. 2:11-12) Set the example of leadership in your own self and your own family first (1 Tim. 3:4-5,10; 4:12) Take God and his covenant seriously (Ex. 6:5; Heb. 12:28-29) Sins of omission will be held in account (Jas. 4:17)