Development Areas Emotional Moral Physical Social Cognitive Chronological Ages 0-6 7-12 13-19.


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Presentation transcript:

Development Areas Emotional Moral Physical Social Cognitive Chronological Ages

Basic Processes of Development Maturation –Biological process of systematic physical growth –Experience plays role in specific contexts Developmental Psychology Red indicates more gray matter, blue less gray matter.

Early Experiences and Critical Periods Imprinting (Lorenz) –Inborn tendency or instinct –Sensitive period – critical period Early social deprivation –Harlow’s monkeys, social isolation, and continuing detrimental effects –Controversy over effects on children Some abnormal effects may be irreversible Developmental Psychology

Birth to 2 yrs Sensorimotor Uses senses and motor skills, items known by use; Object permanence yrsPre-operational Symbolic thinking, language used; egocentric thinking, imagination/ experience grow, child de-centers yrsConcrete operational Logic applied, objective/rational interpretations; conservation, numbers, ideas, classifications 11 yrs onFormal operational Thinks abstractly, hypothetical ideas; ethics, politics, social/moral issues explored Piaget’s cognitive development theory

Developmental Psychology Autonomy vs. Shame/doubt Initiative vs. Guilt Industry vs. Inferiority Identity vs. Role confusion Intimacy vs. Isolation Generativity vs. Stagnation Integrity vs. Despair Trust vs. Mistrust Erikson’s Psychosocial theory

Marcia’s Theory of Personal Identity James Marcia - examined development of personal identity. Identified four main approaches to developing a sense of identity: achievement foreclosure diffusion moratorium

Sexual and Gender Development Sex - Physiologically Determined Gender - Psychologically Determined Sexual Development - Increasing Awareness of sex differences Gender Identification - Acquiring sex roles Androgyny - Displaying both expressive and instrumental qualities

Theories of Sexual and Gender Development Biological Development Freud’s Theory of Psychosexual Development Behaviorism Social Leaning Theory Schema Theory Homosexuality

Social Development Attachment - strength and kind of bond that exists between people. –Avoidant Attachment –Secure Attachment –Resistant Attachment Friendship and Play Unoccupied Solitary Onlooker Parallel Associative Cooperative Play Stages

Developmental Psychology Early Childhood Solitary play Parallel play Cooperative play

Moral Development Moral Development - process of acquiring sense of right and wrong. Piaget’s Theory of Moral Development –Moral Realism –Morality of Cooperation Kohlberg –Moral Dilemmas

Developmental Psychology Level I: Preconventional moral reasoning Stage 1“might makes right” Punishment/obedience orientation: self-interest Stage 2“look out for number one” Instrumental/relativist orientation: quid pro quo Level II: Conventional moral reasoning Stage 3“good girl, nice boy” Proper behavior for the social approval Stage 4“law and order” Proper behavior of the dutiful citizen, obey laws Level III: Postconventional moral reasoning Stage 5“social contract” Mutual benefit to all, obey society’s rules Stage 6“universal ethical principles” Defend right/wrong, not just majority, all life is sacred (reflective) Kohlberg’s theory of moral development

Gilligan’s Theory An alternative theory of the moral development of women. Empathy Competition Versus Cooperation

Evaluating Kohlberg’s Theory Criticisms of Kohlberg’s Theory: –Subjective Scoring –Lack of Stage Specificity –Inconsistencies between Thoughts and Actions –Originally Validated on White, Middle-class, Males