Energy Hole Analysis for Energy Efficient Routing in Body Area Networks K. Latif, N. Javaid Kamran. Latif Senior System Analyst, National Institute of.


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Presentation transcript:

Energy Hole Analysis for Energy Efficient Routing in Body Area Networks K. Latif, N. Javaid Kamran. Latif Senior System Analyst, National Institute of electronics, Pakistan PhD. Scholar, COMSATS, Pakistan Presented In: The 28 th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2014) Victoria, Canada, 1

Motivations Energy Hole Analysis of routing techniques: – Direct Transmission Technique (DTT) – Cluster Based routing Technique (CBT) – Intermediate node Transmission Technique (ITT) in Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) under different packet size, distance, and effect of overhearing. 2

Communication Architecture in DTT, CBT, and ITT 3

Sensor Nodes Deployment Sensor Nodes deployment with sequence numbers as depicted in plots. 4 Seq. No.Sensor Node 1EEG 2Hearing Aid 3Position 4ECG 5Glucose 6SPO2 7Insulin pump 8EMG Lactic Acid 9Motion 10Pressure

WBAN Radio Energy Consumption 5

Energy Consumption in DTT 6

Energy Consumption in IBT Two types of nodes – Originator node – Intermediate node Transmit energy of originator node (eq. 6) Transmit energy of intermediate node (eq. 7) Where ɸ is the data aggregation factor 7

If there are m intermediate nodes then total energy consumption of all intermediate nodes for the whole network lifetime is given by the following equation: (eq. 8) Receive Energy of Listener nodes: (eq. 9) Energy Consumption in IBT 8

Energy Consumption in CBT Two types of nodes: – Normal nodes – CH nodes Transmit energy of normal nodes will be consumed according to eq. 1 Transmit energy of CH nodes (eq. 8) 9

Energy Consumption in CBT Receive energy of CH nodes Receive Energy of listener nodes – If there are m listener nodes each with probability of existence p then, total receive energy of all these nodes is : 10


Effect of Distance on Energy Consumption Due to small distances in WBAN, effect of distance on DTT and ITT is minimum. High energy consumption of CBT is because of packet size, because packet size of CH is greater than normal nodes. 12

Effect of Distance on Lifetime of nodes Nodes near to coordinator have longer life time in DTT and ITT Nodes away from coordinator have almost equal effect on lifetime. In CBT, nodes nearer to coordinator has smaller lifetime because of large packet size. 13

Effect of Packet size on Energy Consumption of nodes in ITT & DTT Effect of packet size on energy consumption is minimal on the nodes near to coordinator Whereas it appeared as multiplicative shift on distant nodes. 14

Effect of Packet size on Energy Consumption of nodes in CBT Effect of packet size appeared as multiplicative shift in the energy consumption of nodes 15

Effect of Over-hearing on Energy Consumption of nodes in CBT In CBT, effect of over- hearing is minimal as compared to DTT and ITT, reason behind minimal effect is the distance between node and CH is minimum Nodes with in the cluster are affected due to over hearing, therefore energy consumption is increased 16

Effect of Over-hearing on Energy Consumption of nodes in DTT & ITT Energy consumption is largely affected due to over-hearing in DTT and ITT However in DTT, over- hearing is creating almost double effect on energy consumption. 17

Conclusion We analysed DTT, ITT, and CBT in WBAN We found that distance does not effect transmission energy in DTT, because of small distances. Over-hearing effects DTT energy consumption because a far distance node when transmits data to coordinator, its transmission radius increases and maximum nodes are affected. This may become a reason for creation of energy hole if over-hearing is controlled at MAC or routing layer then DTT provides better result. 18

Conclusion In ITT, reduction in transmission distance reduces overhearing effect. However increased data size at forwarding node causes more consumption of energy. Therefore ITT is more suitable for applications in which life time of nodes with more critical data is to be increased with reduced overhearing effects. 19

Conclusion In CBT, CHs energy is badly affected due to large size of data CH at far distance from coordinator then its energy consumed very quickly CBT produces less overhearing effects with in the cluster Therefore CBT technique is more suitable for applications where periodic forwarding of data is to be required. 20

Future Work we are intended to propose an intelligent energy efficient technique which takes benefits of DTT, ITT, and CBT depending on nature of traffic (critical, emergency, normal) and optimize throughput and lifetime of network. 21