EQ 2: How much money is spent on drugs? 12/3
Bell Ringer Use the graph on the hand out Explain what the graph is showing What is your opinion of this?
How many people and how much money is being spent on drugs? Spread out the slips of paper given to your groups For each drug there should be one slip that describes the number of people who do the drug and one person with how much is spent per year on the drug
Answers: Analyze the numbers and write down two observations and 1 inference. What else could people do with this much money? Alcohol: $104 Billion and 121,000,000 users Tobacco: $51.9 Billion and 59,000,000 users Marijuana: $11 Billion and 14,600,600 users Cocaine: $36 Billion and 2,000,000 users Meth: $5.4 Billion and 1,500,000 users Heroine: $10 billion and 166,000 users
Discussion Were you surprised by the number of users/money spent on any category of drugs? Why are the two most widely used drugs legally available (alcohol & cigarettes)? Do you believe that marijuana is more or less harmful than the use of tobacco products and should their regulation differ? Why do you think the number of cocaine users is so low but money spent is so high?
Drug abuse accounts for…. 1/3 of hospital admissions ¼ of all deaths Majority of serious crimes Medical and social costs of drug abuse exceed $240 billion per year
What should the government do?? Read statistics and answer questions with group