Five Themes of Geography
Location Exact Location –Latitude –Longitude Relative Location –Close to another place or thing
Place Physical Features –Climate, soil, plants, animals, bodies of water Human Features –Adaptations people make to the land Caves, log cabins, brick buildings
Interaction People adapt to the environment –Farming, hunting, clothing People change the environment –Irrigation, roads, railroads, pollution
Movement Travel from place to place –Walking, wagons, shipping, roads Exchange of goods and ideas –Food, language, religion, technology
Region Similar Physical Conditions –Mountains, deserts, forests, plains Common Cultural Traits –Language, religion, ethnicity
Political Geography Things created by people but cannot be touched: –Countries, states, cities –Boundaries and borders –Latitude, longitude, compass directions
Physical Geography Natural features of geography that can be felt: –Mountains, rivers, lakes, oceans –Forests, plains, deserts –Climate