Pay for Performance and Evaluation System Summary Monday, November 16, 2015
Agenda Pay for Performance Halogen Software Process breakdown Halogen Software Introduction Process Workflow How to use the software My Performance / My Employee Records Go over handouts that provide login information for new employees Those without computer access at work/county email are allowed to have notifications sent to there personal emails per a request through the Personnel Department My Tasks/Task Status Completing Assigned tasks Checking status of each step by employee Managing progress of Goals and Development Plans
Pay for Performance 3rd year in place All employees placed in a pay grade, within the pay range (80%-120%) General Employees – December-January Management Employees – February Department Heads – March Rubric General Employees are evaluated on 10 competencies and Management and Department Heads are evaluated on 15. Increases applied in the first payroll of the following April. Increase amounts for April 2016 = 2%
Halogen Software Online web based software Brief profile Houses all evaluations from 2013 to present Tracks all pay for performance increases Ability to add and post comments, notes and documents
Process Workflow Manager writes employee appraisals Second level manager approves appraisals HR rep approves appraisals Manager meets with employee and writes comments Employee acknowledgement & adds final comments Manager sign-off HR rep sign off
Evaluation Form Ten core competencies: Job Knowledge Quality of Work Productivity Time Management Dependability Attendance Communication Teamwork Judgment/Decision Making Attitude The full form is available on the Personnel Department webpage
Employee Portion This is the only portion the employee will be responsible for on the evaluation form. Remember that all content is saved in your records for future reference.
Sample Email Notification: Appraisal Process- Task to Complete From: Personnel Department [] Sent: December 11, 2015 1:01 PM To: Johnny Sample Subject: Appraisal Process – Task to Complete You have at least one task to complete in the performance evaluation process. Please complete your assigned task as soon as possible. You will continue to be reminded until you complete your task, and reminders will become more frequent as the due date for that task approaches. If you fail to complete a task by the due date, your manager will be notified. Please visit the following web page and follow the instructions to perform the necessary tasks. Username: J-Sample55 Should you require assistance, please contact:
REMEMBER YOUR ID AND PASSWORDS Passwords are Case Sensitive & must include one number Included in handouts Timeline General Employees 12/1/15 – 1/31/16 Managers 2/1/16 – 2/28/16 Department Heads 3/1/16– 3/31/16 Wage increases – 1st payroll in April 2016 Goal to hold all managers accountable for evaluations All managerial and Department Heads will be evaluated on 5 additional competencies Managing Employee Performance Defining Roles and Responsibilities Fiscal Management Analytical Thinking Organizing Ability Forms/Guides All three forms and guides that are being used are viewable at:
Any Questions?