TTI Performance Evaluation Training
Agenda F Brief Introduction of Performance Management Model F TTI Annual Performance Review Online Module
Performance Management Model ESTABLISHING CLEAR EXPECTATIONS ASSESSMENT & EVALUATION FEEDBACK & COACHING From Direct Supervisor and Functional Leadership if applicable on an on- going basis Integrating feedback from multiple sources, such as supervisor, coworker, customer etc., giving performance ratings during annual review process Jointly set by Functional Leadership and Direct supervisor
Key Concepts of Performance Evaluation – Supervisors F Explain performance expectations to employees – Only a coherent understanding of the expectations and the objective standards that are mutually understood and communicated can ensure the employee’s success. F Provide ongoing coaching and feedback F Feedback is…. providing individuals with information about their current behavior and performance based on observations. Feedback tells individuals what they are doing well and what they need to improve F Coaching is…. providing direction and guidance, helping them to learn and discover how they can develop themselves and improve performance, unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance F The ultimate goal of performance evaluation is to improve work performance. Therefore: F A fair, accurate, and consistent performance evaluation is crucial in promoting a positive organizational climate and increasing organizational performance. F Document what is done throughout the year. Document improvement needed, but also things worth appraising. F Use the opportunity of performance evaluation to facilitate communications with the employee, focusing on what needs to continue, what behaviors need to change, clarifying expectations, and developing an action plan to help the employee get there.
Key Concepts of Performance Evaluation - Employees F Performance expectations need to be discussed and agreed upon in the very beginning. Know what’s expected of you, clarify rating criteria, and ask for resources and support when needed. F Respond to coaching and feedback provided by your supervisor throughout the year. Proactively seek feedback from supervisor, co-worker, customer and functional leader. F Focus on what you CAN do or change to accomplish performance objectives. F Take charge of your professional and career development using the performance evaluation discussion to express your aspirations and shape your career path.
TTI Annual Performance Management Process F Follow evaluation timeline F Navigate the new online performance management system F Things to remember when using the online system
Evaluation Timeline F The evaluation cycle covers from March 1 of the previous year to February 28 of the current year. F Performance evaluations need to be submitted online to HR by May 31st in 2011.
Online Module User Types F Employee F Supervisor F Division/Program Designee F Division/Program Director F Human Resources
Online Module Routing Process F Supervisor creates performance evaluation online and saves it F Supervisor prints saved evaluation and meets employee to discuss the evaluation F Supervisor sends evaluation via online routing to employee for review F Employee reviews performance evaluation and sends it back to supervisor to acknowledge it as is; or employee attaches comments or documents, acknowledges it and sends it back to supervisor for further edits F Supervisor routes the evaluation to Division/Program Designee if applicable, or routes to Division/Program Director for approval F Division/Program Designee reviews evaluation if applicable and routes it back to Supervisor for further editing or routes it to Division/Program Director for approval F Division/Program Director approves evaluation and routes it to Human Resources for filing, or sends it back to Division/Program Designee or Supervisor for further edits F Employee and Supervisor are notified when Human Resources completes the filing of the evaluation
Online Module Navigation Start Evaluation as Supervisor
Log in to SSO to access the performance evaluation module
Click “Start Evaluation Click “Start Evaluation”
Click “TTI Evaluation” to access the Performance Evaluation Module
Input employee first name, last name, and select TTI in the Agency dropdown box, and click Search to begin evaluation on the employee
Click “Start Action” to start evaluation
Click “Preview Evaluation” to save the evaluation first. It is the best way to prevent data loss due to inactivity.
Click “Save without submitting” to save the evaluation at this status.
Click “Confirm” to save
Click “Active Evaluations” to access the evaluation that was just saved to complete it.
Click “Edit” to complete the evaluation tab by tab.
Fill in all fields. Review Period Begin Date “03/01/2009”, Review Period End Date “02/28/2010” Select other supervisors or department assistants who need to access the evaluation and add them to the box. Only fill out this field if the employee has more than one supervisor during the course of the year, or your department requires that specific department assistants have access to the evaluations. Click here to continue You may now save the evaluation as you go.
Review the Job Duties, making sure they are up to date. If revision of the job duties is needed, please cancel the evaluation and go back to the Position Description module to update the PD.
Read the Evaluation Overview to get the tips of how to conduct a successful performance evaluation Click “Continue to Next Page” to move to the evaluation tab
This tab is required for ALL TTI employees. The evaluation criteria have NO change from last year Read the rating criteria to make sure you understand what they mean Select the appropriate scale to rate the employee’s performance It is required to input comments if the rating is above or below “Meet Expectation”
Managers and PIs will also be evaluated on the criteria on this tab. This is required for Managers and PIs ONLY. The evaluation criteria have NO change from last year
It is required to outline the performance objectives and development plans for the next evaluation period. Click “ADD NEW ENTRY” to begin.
Complete the fields and click “ADD ENTRY”
Once the Performance Objectives are completed, click “CONTINUE TO NEXT PAGE”
Rate the employee’s overall performance and summarize the employee’s strength, deficiencies, and professional activities
Certify employee training record
Add any comments you may have for things not addressed by standard evaluation
Attach supporting document by clicking “Attach” when appropriate Click “CONTINTUE TO NEXT PAGE” or “PREVIEW EVALUATION” to review the completed evaluation
You can “Save” or “Edit”, or “Cancel” the evaluation before conducting the performance discussion with the employee. Print the evaluation to give a copy to employee for discussion. After performance discussion, you may edit the evaluation again if needed, and click “Send To Employee for Review” to forward the evaluation to employee.
Online Module Navigation Review Evaluation as Employee
Log in to SSO to access the performance evaluation module
Click “Active Evaluations” to access the evaluation sent to you by your supervisor
Click “View” to access the evaluation
View the evaluation If no additional comments needed, click “Send Evaluation to Supervisor (Employee Acknowledgement Confirmed)” to send the evaluation back as is. Or to add comments, click “Edit” to access the employee comment box on the “Evaluation Summary and Final Rating” tab.
If you have any comments to make, leave comments here.
Use this tab to attach any supporting documents you may have. Click here to view the evaluation
“Save” the evaluation if you would like to work on it later; click “Send Evaluation to Supervisor (Employee Acknowledgement Confirmed)” to send the evaluation back as is; or click “Send to Supervisor for Edits” if you have made any comments or attached any supporting documents.
Online Module Navigation Supervisor Receives Evaluation from Employee As Is (Employee Acknowledgement Confirmed)
Log in to SSO to access the performance evaluation module
Click “Active Evaluation” to review the evaluation sent back to the employee
Click “View” to view the evaluation that was sent to supervisor by employee AS IS (Employee Acknowledgement Confirmed)
Click “Send to Division/Program Designee” or “Send to Division/Group Director” as appropriate
Online Module Navigation Supervisor Receives Evaluation from Employee Requesting for More Edits
Log in to SSO to access the performance evaluation module
Click “Active Evaluation” to access the evaluation
Click “View” to access the evaluation sent back by the employee with employee comments or supporting documents
Scroll down the page and view employee comments here
Click “Edit” to enter your comments on the “Evaluation Summary and Final Rating” tab or attach supporting documents on the “Supporting Documents” tab, and click “Send to Employee for Review”. Or accept employee comments and documents, and click “Send to Division/Program Designee” or “Send to Division/Group Director” as appropriate. If agreement cannot be reached regarding the evaluation after sending it back for employee review, the supervisor may send the evaluation to Division/Program Designee or Division/Group Director with additional comments or documents. And the evaluation will be reviewed and filed for record.
Online Module Navigation Division/Program Designee Receives Evaluation
Log in to SSO to access the performance evaluation module
Click “Active Evaluation” to access the evaluation
Click “View” to view the evaluation
Review the evaluation and Click “Send to Division/Group Director” to forward the evaluation AS IS; Or click “Edit” and add your comments in the “Evaluation Summary and Final Rating” tab, and click “Send to Supervisor for Edits”.
Online Module Navigation Division/Group Director Receives Evaluation
Log in to SSO to access the performance evaluation module
Click “Active Evaluations” to access the evaluation
Click “View” to view the evaluation
Review the evaluation, click “Send to HR for Review/Filing” to forward the evaluation AS IS; or click “Edit”, and add your comments in the “Evaluation Summary and Final Rating” tab, and click “Send to Division/Program Designee” or “Send to Supervisor for Edits” as appropriate to return the evaluation for further edits
Things to Remember F Log in as the correct user type. Change it as necessary under “Change User Type” at the left hand side menu. F Save the evaluation when you start working on it, and access it again to use the “save and stay on this page” function to avoid losing your data due to inactivity. F Complete all required fields – PI and Manager evaluation is required for PIs and managers in addition to the evaluation for all employees. F Employee may add comments and/or attach documents to express his/her opinions about the evaluation after reviewing it, and send the evaluation back the supervisor for edit. F Supervisor may cancel an evaluation before submitting it to employee for review. The evaluation can not be canceled afterwards. F The evaluation should be routed back for employee review if any changes (including comments made) to the evaluation. Employee may accept it as is, or make additional comments, and send it back to supervisor. F Anytime a supervisor receives an evaluation with the status “Sent to supervisor for edits”, the supervisor needs to view comments or documents attached and decide if further edits or comments are warranted before sending it back to employee or forwarding it on to the next level. F An evaluation should be reviewed and edited within five business days when submitted. An automated reminder will be sent to prompt action if no status change has occurred after five business days. F Employee and supervisor will get automated notifications when the evaluation is approved by the Director and filed by HR.