SDSS II Supernova Survey - The Science Wednesday 29th August 2007 DARK Summer Institute Mathew Smith In collaboration with B. Nichol (ICG) and the SDSS II SNe team
Outline Introduction to SDSS II Basic details The Survey to date Preliminary results Host galaxy properties Host galaxy systematics The data
The First Papers: The SDSS II SNe Survey: Technical Summary - J.Frieman & The SDSS II team - arXiv: The SDSS II SNe Survey: Search Algorithm and Follow-up Observations - M. Sako & The SDSS II team - arXiv: Coming Shortly: The SDSS II Low-z Rate - B. Dilday Spectroscopy in SDSS II - C. Zheng + Photometry (J.Holtzman), Galaxy Properties (M. Smith) and Cosmology (R. Kessler)
The SDSS II Supernova Survey Aims: - bridge low-z (z<0.05; LOSS, SNF) and high-z (0.3<z<1.0; ESSENCE, SNLS) sources - understand and minimize systematics of SN Ia as distance indicators (look at correlations with host galaxy properties) 9% measurement of w - comparable with SNLS 6% measurement of w when combined with SNLS
Use the SDSS 2.5m telescope September 1 - November 30 of Scan 300 square degrees of the sky every 2 days “Stripe82” (UKIDSS data) Survey Area NS
Photometric Typing Color-type SNe candidates using nightly g r i data fit light-curve for redshift, extinction, stretch for Ia Able to type with >90% efficiency after ~2 - 4 epochs Ia II SN2005hy
Team of 15 “hand-scanner” visually inspected 144,000 objects selecting nearly 10k SN targets!
The Data Excellent photometry from 2.5m SDSS telescope and others throughout the world Well sampled light-curves Excellent typing of objects Multi-band (u,g,r,I,z) photometry Very high efficiency (especially below z = 0.2 grigri Search Template Diff
Follow-up Spectroscopy International follow-up: MDM 2.4m NOT 2.6m APO 3.5m NTT 3.6m KPNO 4m WHT 4.2m Subaru 8.2m HET 9.2m Keck 10m SALT 10m
Numbers to Date From : 327 spectroscopically confirmed Ia's 31 probable Ia’s 44 confirmed other SN types Galaxy redshifts for 60 additional Ia candidates 1st year Analysis nearly complete (soon) Highest number of any SN survey ~40% of all supernovae discovered in 2005 and 2006
spectroscopic SN Ia probable SN Ia core-collapse SN
SDSS SN Ia z = 0.09 z = 0.19 z = 0.36 data -- fit model
SDSS II - Hubble Diagram Accurate photometry Cosmology agrees with other measurements Preliminary 2005 Data 129 Ia Total 74 after cuts
SDSS Hubble Diagram Residuals ‡ 0.08 mag added in quadrature to fitted as prescribed by MLCS2k2 preliminary ‡ data – fit
PRELIMINARY SDSS Rate: (2005 sample -- paper in preparation) Number of SN (z < 0.12) = 17 Search eff ~ 100% from in-situ fake SN Analysis eff = 0.77 0.02 from detailed sim (loss mainly from temporal edge effects) SN Ia Rate (z < 0.12) = [2.9 0.7 stat 0.3 syst ] (Mpc/h 70 ) 3 yr 1
SN Ia Rate vs. Redshift Prelim SDSS result previous results with spectroscopic confirmation SNLS fit: new fit in progress
Now for a diversion - My own work - Host galaxy Properties
Two populations? We need to confirm that SN Ia are standardizable candles Sullivan et al., using SNLS first year data, showed the existence of 2 distinct populations. Possible existence of a relationship between Hubble diagram scatter and galaxy type Similar results from Manucci et al. Benetti et al. showed that there were possibly 3 SN Ia types from spectral evolution
The A + B model Mannucci et al. (and later Sullivan et al. (with SNLS data) proposed the “two component” model of type Ia supernovae. The supernova rate is affected by recent events of star-formation Those that occur in passive galaxies are “prompt supernovae”, in areas of recent SF they are “delayed supernovae”
B. Dilday, U.Chicago
SDSS Data There are 129 spectroscopically confirmed Ia’s in the first year SDSS dataset 115 of them have clear and obvious hosts After a redshift cut of z< remain - all with hosts Photometry of hosts taken from SDSS coadd / DR5 (where necessary) All have Masses and SFR’s calculated from PEGASE code, using redshift and magnitudes A field sample of the coadd is used. Masses / SFR’s also calculated with (and without) photo-z’s It is incompleteness corrected for faint galaxies We are currently correcting for incompleteness!
The Samples To investigate the properties of the host galaxies, they were fitted to a PEGASE template. The redshift, was both fixed and left free, there was no significant change in the result. 23 galaxies were classified as passive galaxies, 26 as moderately starforming and 21 as star-burst. The SDSS coadd (10 epoch) has ~4.2 million galaxies 1.1 million have been analysed with PEGASE They were fit without a photo-z, but then compared to one ~600,000 lie in the redshift range of interest We are going to use the new 30 epoch coadd, to classify all the hosts (~10 million objects!)
The PEGASE code u g r i z Contains 8/9 Galaxy tracks Each one is evaluated at 69 different time steps Making a total of 552 different SEDs Galaxies can be fit with / without redshifts
Incompleteness Corrections There is a major bias in the spectroscopic sample - SNe in spirals are more commonly targeted (as they are easier to distinguish) We have problems with getting final photometry for every object After correcting for incompleteness we have ~110 objects (of which 70 are spectroscopically confirmed) We want to get a spectroscopic redshift for every host (for host fitting) We have also corrected for efficiency of objects to pass through this extra stage We need to ensure that contamination is as small as possible
A Problematic Candidate This lightcurve passes at z=0.16 or z=0.36 (depending on cuts on photometry) The host is at z=0.255 Possible contamination
Star Formation Rate v Mass Ellipticals show higher mass Large spread in mass values Population is split into 3 categories: -Passive galaxies, moderately starforming and highly starforming
SN rate v Specific SFR
SN rate with Host Galaxy Mass Consistent with A+B model There is a trend in SN rate / galaxy with galaxy type
SN rate with Host SFR What is going on??? Unclear result - Needs Further Analysi s
Galaxy type with redshift There is an observed evolution of the redshift histograms with galaxy type Possible indication of Host galaxy v Stretch correlation
Galaxy - Supernova Properties
Hubble Residuals: Specific SFR - no correlation. So even in extreme SSFR hosts MLCS works. No observed correlation with redshift (good) ~0.20 mag dispersion may be due to a “third” parameter (width and color are the first two)
SN Luminosity vs Specific SFR: Bright AND faint SNIa happen in galaxies with SSFR u-z >2 But only bright SNIa occur in u-z <1 Those at low redshift seem to have higher SSFR
To date The SDSS SN Survey has finished its first two years - one to go! 327 type Ia SNe discovered in the first 2 years It provides an excellent data set, with small and well understood systematic errors. When combined with other measurements and surveys it can constrain DE to ~10%. Early Hubble diagram matches LCDM. The SDSS dataset can be used to anchor future Hubble diagrams. There is an indication of the evolution of galaxy type with redshift - possibly two populations of type Ia’s? First papers are on astro-ph!
The dataset From the first two years there is a large amount of data available High quality photometry, with small systematic errors Many scientifically useful spectra, with many objects having multi-epochs (useful for tracking spectral evolution) Unique dataset in untapped redshift range Well understood pipeline for tracking objects Excellent template information for host information Many confirmed Ia’s and other types Lots of work to be done - lots of chances to do it!
SDSS-II SN Collaboration FermilabU.Chicago APOSAAO U.WashingtonSeoul Natl. U. Wayne State U.Ohio State U. U.TokyoU.Notre Dame NM State U.KIPAC/Stanford STScIICG Portsmouth Rochester ITU.Pennsylvania Penn State U.U.Texas + EUROPE !!