Electromagnetic Spectrum
Element Spectrum Each element has a spectral “fingerprint” — a pattern of bright or dark lines that is UNIQUE to that element. Pay attention — there’s a quiz … Which element am I? RUBIDIUM
Redshift: Definition Light from our Sun: WHAT’S DIFFERENT? Light from a star or galaxy moving away from us: WHAT’S DIFFERENT? Low Energy Photons High Energy Photons The size of the redshift tells us the speed of the star or galaxy Photons lose energy and become more red if the star is moving away from us. Photons of all energies (colors) Specific elements in atmosphere of star absorb specific photon energies, leaving black lines.
Redshift: Definition Star at rest: Star moving away: Photon looks normal Photon looks redder (Alternately: Wavelength is normal) (Alternately: Wavelength is longer)
MOVING AWAY Redshift: Calculation E galaxy = energy of photon from a galaxy that’s moving away E rest = energy of photon from a star that’s not moving AT REST
Redshift: Real Data VINTAGE VERSION: Spectra recorded on photographic plates. These spectra show shifts in a hydrogen line compared to the laboratory (at rest) spectrum. MODERN VERSION: Fiber optic scanning and full digital spectrum plots (from the Sloan Sky Survey)
Galaxy UGC Galaxy KUG 1750 Galaxy IRAS F09159
Redshift Riot Complete the worksheet …
Red Shift Riot BRHS10
Redshift: Interpretation We can measure redshift Redshift means galaxy is moving away All galaxies (except our nearest neighbors) are redshifted All galaxies are moving away Therefore, the universe is EXPANDING SCIENTISTS ARE NOT GUESSING !
Expansion of the Universe We are NOT at the center of the Universe with galaxies flying through the Universe in all directions
Expansion of the Universe Space itself is expanding Objects are not THEN NOW
Redshift Riot Bungee Universe Demo Do “Expansion” worksheet
What is the Universe expanding into? The Universe is expanding into nothing EMPTY SPACE is still something and has a here, a there, distances and time. NOTHING has no here, no there, no distance, and no time. Here There distance time