Joint formation and evolution of SMBHs and their host galaxies: How do the Quasar-Spheroid correlations change with the Cosmic Time? A. Treves Università dell’Insubria, Como, Italy R. Falomo INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, Italy R. Decarli Università dell’Insubria, Como, Italy J. Kotilainen Tuorla Observatory, Piikkio, Finland M. Uslenghi INAF-IASF, Milano, Italy Marzia Labita
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 2 SMBHs and host galaxies Most (if not all) nearby (early type) galaxies host a supermassive black hole (SMBH) at their centers - proper motion of stars (Milky Way) - rotation curves of gas clouds – MASER (22 objects) The host galaxies of low redshift quasars contain a massive spheroidal component (observative results: see Dunlop et al. 2003, Pagani et al. 2003…) Elliptical galaxies ↔ SMBHs
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 3 Joint formation of SMBHs and massive spheroids According to the hierarchical merging scenario, massive spheroids should be the products of successive merging events At low redshift, the central BH mass is strongly correlated to the properties of the host galaxy bulge (of both active and inactive galaxies) …OUTSIDE THE SPHERE OF INFLUENCE! Formation ofFormation and fuelling Elliptical galaxies of their active nuclei
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 4 Quasar: Nuclear luminosity Radio power (RLQ – RQQ) Spectral shape BH mass determination and evolution Host Galaxy: Bulge luminosity (Stellar velocity dispersion, morphology, size) Host galaxy luminosity (mass) evolution Quasar – Host Galaxy connection: Study the BH – host mass correlation at low z and trace its cosmological evolution close and beyond the peak of the quasar activity
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 5 Quasar: Nuclear luminosity Radio power (RLQ – RQQ) Spectral shape BH mass determination and evolution Host Galaxy: Bulge luminosity (Stellar velocity dispersion, morphology, size) Host galaxy luminosity (mass) evolution Quasar – Host Galaxy connection: Study the BH – host mass correlation at low z and trace its cosmological evolution close and beyond the peak of the quasar activity
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 6 The NIR to UV continuum of radio loud (RL) vs. radio quiet (RQ) quasars M. Labita, A. Treves, R. Falomo, 2007, MNRAS, in press (astro-ph/ ) Understanding the nuclear engine of quasars: Characterization of the Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) Distinction between RLQs and RQQs in the Unified Models of AGN (relativistic jet, BH spin?) …compare and contrast the SEDs of RLQs and RQQs
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 7 First step: QSO sample selection Requirements: Sample as large as possible Minimally biassed against the radio properties and the nuclear color of the QSOs Observations in multiple bands (from NIR to UV) to construct the SED Radio detection (RLQs vs. RQQs) Negligible host galaxy component SDSS quasar catalogue (u, g, r, i, z) 2MASS detection (J, H, K) FIRST observation area (20 cm flux)
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 8 Distinction between RLQs and RQQs 91% of the objects are below the FIRST limit RLQ if radio to optical flux ratio >10; RQQ otherwise We choose g<18.9, so that we can discriminate between RLQs and RQQs Host galaxy contribution Host luminosity estimate based on radio power and redshift We require that host to nuclear flux ratio <0.2
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies QSOs (774 RQQs and 113 RLQs) The final sample redshift R band absolute magnitude
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 10 SED construction For each object, 8 datapoints log ν – log (νL v ) from the u, g, r, i, z, J, H, K observations Construction of the restframe SEDs of single objects Normalization of the RLQs and RQQs subsamples at Hz Construction of the average spectral energy distributions
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 11 Average SEDs of RLQs and RQQs RLQs are more luminous and redder than RQQs Huge dispersion of the spectral indices POWER LAW FIT RLQs RQQs ALL log(v) Hz log(vL v ) erg/s log(vL v ) relative log(v) Hz
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 12 Color difference between RLQs & RQQs RLQs are redder than RQQs in the NIR to UV region with Δα = 0.2 P(KS)>99% Redshift independence Luminosity independence (L – z matched samples) Spectral index RLQs RQQs
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 13 SED shape: a possible bias Request of 2MASS observation: only redder objects at high z Both the SEDs result softer for high z objects (i.e. at high frequencies) Let’s use 2MASS data only at low z!
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 14 Interpretation of the color difference Is there an enhanced dust extinction in RLQs? Difference of the thermal components? Big blue bump: superposition of black body emission from an accretion disc Color difference ↔ Temperature difference Is there a real temperature difference? Is the color difference related to spinning? Difference of the non-thermal components? Is there synchrotron contamination from the relativistic jets in RLQs?
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies Is there an enhanced dust extinction in RLQs? ΔA V =0.16mag would explain the difference Why RLQs are more extinted? 1. Different inclinations? 2. Dust production related to radio emission?
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 16 2.Is there a real temperature difference? T disk ÷ M BH -1/4 BHs of RLQs are supposedly more massive RQQs are expected to be hotter (and bluer) 3. Is the color difference related to spinning? Radio emission is usually ascribed to faster spinning Spinning BHs (RLQs) have a shorter last stable orbit radius and then a hotter disk → NO!
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies Is there synchrotron contamination from the relativistic jets in RLQs? In pole-on radio sources there is a significant chance of synchrotron contamination from the relativistic jets Radio selected samples suffer from a bias towards pole-on radio sources (relativistic beaming) but in our sample does not! →The color difference between RLQs and RQQs is probably due to a real temperature difference of the accretion disks. NEXT STEP: quantify this effect!
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 18 Quasar: Nuclear luminosity Radio power (RLQ – RQQ) Spectral shape BH mass determination and evolution Host Galaxy: Bulge luminosity (Stellar velocity dispersion, morphology, size) Host galaxy luminosity (mass) evolution Quasar – Host Galaxy connection: Study the BH – host mass correlation at low z and trace its cosmological evolution close and beyond the peak of the quasar activity
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 19 First step: BH mass determinations at low z Dynamical BH mass determinations : VIRIAL THEOREM Local Universe: stars orbiting around the SMBH → only inactive galaxies Higher redshift: gas regions emitting the broad lines – BLR → Type I AGN! v = f ∙ line-width (Doppler Effect) UV? Optical? f = ? R ÷ λ L λ α (from reverberation mapping)FWHM? σ-line?
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 20 Hβ broad emission of low-redshift quasars: Virial mass determination and the geometrical factor (Decarli R., Labita M., Treves A., Falomo R., 2007, submitted to MNRAS) AIM Solid base at low z to study nuclear-host connection beyond the peak of the nuclear activity (see also Labita et al. 2006, MNRAS, 373, 551) Are BH mass determinations from Hβ and from CIV consistent? Which is the better estimator? FWHM or σ-line? SOLID RECEIPT FOR BH MASS DETERMINATION HINTS ON THE BLR GEOMETRY Do the known correlations between the properties of QSOs and their host galaxies hold up to z~0.5?
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 21 The Sample Quasars, z<0.7, reliable host galaxy luminosity determination, elliptical galaxy About 40 quasars at ~0.3 of which: 25 ASIAGO dedicated observations 29 HST archive spectra 12 SDSS catalogue spectra UV optical
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 22 Data reduction, measurements and analysis Standard IRAF procedure Subtraction of the FeII contamination (zero-order correction) Monochromatic luminosity measurement (power-law fit) Line-width measurements: Narrow component subtraction 2-gaussian fit of the broad component FWHM and σ-line measurements: σ-line is strongly dependent on the line wings…
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 23 CIV vs. Hβ: line shapes and line-widths Hβ profile is more “gaussian” (isotropic case) than CIV R(Hβ)~1.5 R(CIV) but FWHM(Hβ)>FWHM(CIV) The geometries of the Hβ and CIV regions are intrinsically different
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 24 BH mass – host luminosity correlation CIV mass estimates are well correlated with M R Hβ mass estimates are barely correlated with M R CIV line-width is a better velocity estimator than Hβ We can constrain f by matching the mass estimates via the BH mass – host luminosity correlation NO redshift dependence of this correlation
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 25 BH mass – host luminosity correlation CIV mass estimates are well correlated with M R Hβ mass estimates are barely correlated with M R CIV line-width is a better velocity estimator than Hβ We can constrain f by matching the mass estimates via the BH mass – host luminosity correlation NO redshift dependence of this correlation
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 26 Hints on the BLR geometry Isotropic model f=√3/2: ruled out Thin disc model f(θ min, θ max ): ok for CIV clouds For Hβ clouds? Hβ shape R vs. FWHM Expected angles Isotropic component + disc component Thick disc model
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 27 ESO 3.6m+EFOSC2 The next step: QSOs at higher z Spectroscopical campaigns (ESO, TNG, NOT…) are going on to collect the spectra of QSOs with a reliable bulge magnitude estimate In the meantime…
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 28 Quasar: Nuclear luminosity Radio power (RLQ – RQQ) Spectral shape BH mass determination and evolution Host Galaxy: Bulge luminosity (Stellar velocity dispersion, morphology, size) Host galaxy luminosity (mass) evolution Quasar – Host Galaxy connection: Study the BH – host mass correlation at low z and trace its cosmological evolution close and beyond the peak of the quasar activity PRELIMINARY!
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 29 z~0.3 z~1.5 z~2.5 BH – bulge mass correlation: evolution with z Γ=M BH /M bulge redshift MRMR log M BH log Γ x x x
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 30 z~0.3 z~1.5 z~2.5 BH – bulge mass correlation: evolution with z Γ=M BH /M bulge redshift MRMR log M BH log Γ x x x
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 31 z~0.3 z~1.5 z~2.5 BH – bulge mass correlation: evolution with z redshift MRMR log M BH log Γ x Γ=M BH /M bulge Γ grows with z ? x x
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 32 Quasar: Nuclear luminosity Radio power (RLQ – RQQ) Spectral shape BH mass determination and evolution Host Galaxy: Bulge luminosity (Stellar velocity dispersion, morphology, size) Host galaxy luminosity (mass) evolution Quasar – Host Galaxy connection: Study the BH – host mass correlation at low z and trace its cosmological evolution close and beyond the peak of the quasar activity PRELIMINARY!
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 33 Host galaxy luminosity (mass) evolution x x
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 34 Host galaxy luminosity (mass) evolution x x
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 35 Host galaxy luminosity (mass) evolution x x ? Hint: at z~2.5 (peak of the nuclear activity), well formed BHs are hosted by not completely formed galaxies
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 36 Summary and conclusions (I) The NIR to UV continuum of RLQs vs. RQQs For a sample of ~1000 objects with SDSS – 2MASS observations: Average SED construction RLQs are more luminous than RQQs RLQs are redder than RQQs and this is independent on redshift or luminosity RQQs seem to be hotter due to smaller BH masses (???) FUTURE: Try to understand better why RLQs are redder than RQQs
Como, 31/10/2007 QSOs and their host galaxies 37 Summary and conclusions (II) Joint formation and evolution of galaxies and SMBHs LOW REDSHIFT Receipt for BH mass determination Known correlations between BH – host mass hold up to z~0.5 Labita M., Falomo R., Treves A., Uslenghi M., 2006, MNRAS, 373, 551 Decarli R., Labita M., Treves A., Falomo R., 2007, submitted to MNRAS HIGH REDSHIFT Host luminosity (mass?) SEEMS to increases with Cosmic Time (???) Kotilainen J., Falomo R., Labita M, Treves A., Uslenghi M., 2007, ApJ, 660, 1039 Γ SEEMS to decrease with Cosmic Time (???) Hint: at z~2.5 (peak of the nuclear activity), well formed BHs are hosted by not completely formed galaxies (???) FUTURE: What will the new observations at higher redshift tell us?