高赤方偏移クェーサー母銀河中の 星間ダスト進化と減光曲線 (Evolution of grain size distribution in high-redshift dusty quasars: integrating large amounts of dust and unusual extinction.


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Presentation transcript:

高赤方偏移クェーサー母銀河中の 星間ダスト進化と減光曲線 (Evolution of grain size distribution in high-redshift dusty quasars: integrating large amounts of dust and unusual extinction curves) 野沢 貴也 ( Takaya Nozawa ) 国立天文台 ( NAOJ ) 理論研究部 2015/04/15 共同研究者 浅野 良輔、竹内 努 ( 名古屋大学 ) 、平下 博之 (ASIAA) References ・ Asano, Takeuchi, Hirashita, Nozawa (2013, MNRAS, 432, 637) ・ Asano, Takeuchi, Hirashita, Nozawa (2014, MNRAS, 440, 134) ・ Nozawa, Asano, Hirashita, Takeuchi (2015, MNRAS, 447, L15)

○ Sources of dust in the early universe ➜ core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe) ‐ dust evolution model : >0.1-1 M sun per SN (Morgan & Edmunds 2003; Maiolino+2006; Dwek+2007) ‐ theoretical studies of dust formation : ~ M sun per SN (Todini & Ferrara 2001; Nozawa+2003, 2007; Bianchi & Schneider 2007) 1-1. A large amount of dust in high-z quasars Leipski+2010 ○ Discovery of massive dust in excess of 10 8 M sun in quasar hosts at z > 5 (Bertoldi+2003, Priddey+2003, Robson+2004, Beelen+2006) e.g., SDSS J at z=6.4 - cosmic age : 890 Myr - stellar mass : ~10 11 M sun - SFR : ~3000 M sun /yr (Salpeter IMF) - gas mass : >~3x10 10 M sun - IR luminosity : (1-3)x10 13 L sun - dust mass : (2-7)x10 8 M sun - dust-to-gas mass ratio : ~0.01 stellar emission dust emission Bertoldi+2003

Maiolino+2004, Nature, 431, 533 SDSS J at z=6.2 : broad absorption line (BAL) quasars 1-2. Extinction curves in high-z quasars The interstellar dust in the epoch as early as z=5 was predominantly supplied by CCSNe? UV extinction curve

Calura+2014 Gas mass (M sun ) 1-3. What are dust sources in quasars at z > 5? ○ AGB stars + SNe ‐ AGB stars contribute more dust grains than CCSNe (Valiante+2009; Dwek & Cherchneff 2011) ‐ dust formation calculation: M sun per AGB star (Zhukovska & Gail 2008) ○ Grain growth in molecular clouds + AGB stars + SNe (Draine 2009; Michalowski+2010; Gall+2011a, 11b; Pipino+2011; Mattsson+2011; Valiante+2011; Inoue 2011; Kuo & Hirshita 2012; Calura+2014; Michalowski 2015) Dwek & Cherchneff (2011)

1-4. Inconsistency in the origin of high-z dust unusual extinction curve huge amounts of dust grains SN dust only ! SN dust + AGB dust and dust growth ??? Can we explain self-consistently the massive dust and unusual extinction curve observed for high-z quasars?

ダストは様々な天体現象と密接に関わっており、銀河中のダ ストの サイズ分布・存在量は星形成活動とともに時々刻々と変化す る ビッグバン 星の誕生 中小質量星 星間空間への ダスト供給 分子雲中での ダストの成長 星間空間中での ダストの破壊・変性 惑星系の形成 超新星爆発 質量放出 原始惑星系円盤 星間空間 分子雲 大質量星 1-5. Life-cycle of interstellar dust

Recently, we constructed, for the first time, the evolution model of dust size distribution, which considers the following dust processes: - production of dust in CCSNe and AGB stars - destruction of dust by interstellar shocks - grain growth due to metal accretion in molecular clouds - shattering and coagulation due to grain-grain collisions (Asano, Takeuchi, Hirashita, TN 2013) We apply this dust evolution model to study the evolution of dust size distribution and the extinction curves in high-z dusty quasars 1-6. Aim of our study In the past dust evolution models, the size distribution of dust is assumed to be - a single size (e.g., a=0.01 µm or 0.1 µm) or - that in our Galaxy, with no time evolution Gall+2011a

2-1. Formation/destruction processes of dust Yasuda & Kozasa 2012 grain growth: accretion of gas-phase heavy elements onto pre-existing dust Hirashita & Yan+2009 Dust ejected from CCSNe Nozawa+2007 Dust ejected from AGB stars shattering coagulation Sirono+2013

‐ one-zone closed-box model (no inflow and no outflow) ‐ SFR(t) = M gas (t)/τ SF (Schmidt law with n = 1) ‐ Salpeter IMF: φ(m) = m -q with q=2.35 for M star = M sun ‐ dust processes - production of dust in SNe II and AGB stars - destruction of dust by interstellar shocks - grain growth due to metal accretion in molecular clouds - shattering and coagulation due to grain-grain collisions ‐ two dust species: - graphite (carbonaceous grains) - silicate (grains species other than carbonaceous grains) ‐ multi-phase ISM - WNM (warm neutral medium): T = 6000 K, n = 0.3 cm -3 - CNM (cold neutral medium): T = 100 K, n = 30 cm Dust evolution model in a galaxy (1)

‐ evolution of dust mass ΔM d (a,t) with radii between a and a+da 2-3. Dust evolution model in a galaxy (2) xSFR(t), astration dust production by SNe II and AGB stars shock destruction grain growth shattering coagulation

Asano+12 ‐ early phase : formation of dust in SNe II and AGB stars ➔ large grains (>0.1 μm ) are dominant ➔ flat extinction curve ‐ middle phase : shattering, grain growth due to accretion of gas metal ➔ small grains (< 0.03 μm ) are produced ➔ steep extinction curve ‐ late phase : coagulation of small grains ➔ shift of peak of size distribution ➔ making extinction curve flatter grain size distribution Asano, Takeuchi, Hirashita, TN+2013, 2014 dust amount 2-4. Evolution of extinction curves in galaxies MRN extinction curve τ SF =5 Gyr WNM=0.5 CNM=0.5

ダストは様々な天体現象と密接に関わっており、銀河中のダ ストの サイズ分布・存在量は星形成活動とともに時々刻々と変化す る ビッグバン 星の誕生 中小質量星 分子雲中での ダストの成長 星間空間中での ダストの破壊・変性 惑星系の形成 超新星爆発 質量放出 原始惑星系円盤 星間空間 分子雲 大質量星 2-5. Life-cycle of interstellar dust 星間空間への ダスト供給 比較的大きいダストの供 給 乱流中の衝突破砕に よる小さいダストの生 成 小さいダスト の支配的成長

3-1. Reproducing the MW extinction curve WNM=0.5 CNM=0.3 MC=0.2 ‐ two-phase ISM ・ WNM (T = 6000 K, n = 0.3 cm - 3 ) ・ CNM (T = 100 K, n = 30 cm -3 ) Nozawa+2015 ‐ three-phase ISM ・ WNM (T = 6000 K, n = 0.3 cm - 3 ) ・ CNM (T = 100 K, n = 30 cm -3 ) ・ MC (molecular clouds) ➜ T = 25 K, n = 300 cm -3 - three-phase ISM model including the MC phase can reproduce the average extinction curve in the MW - ISM phase is one of the important quantities in constructing the evolution model of interstellar dust

3-2. Explaining massive dust in high-z quasars high-z quasar host: starburst galaxies ➜ indicating a high fraction of MC M H2 /M H,total ~ (Calura+2014) ‐ two-phase ISM: WNM=0.3 and MC=0.7 ‐ τ SF = 0.5 Gyr Nozawa+2015 Grain growth is necessary to achieve the observed high D/G

3-3. Explaining the high-z extinction curves The presence/absence of 2175 A bump may be related to the dust composition of dust rather than the dust evolution model - graphite and silicate - amorphous carbon & silicate ➜ the derived extinction curve well match the observed high- z extinction curve Nozawa+2015 The origin of the 2175 A bump is still unclear ➜ small size (<0.02 µm) of graphite? (e.g., Draine & Lee 1984) ➜ PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon?) (e.g., Joblin+1992) ・ formation site of PAHs - AGB stars? (bottom-up scenario) (e.g., Cherchneff+1993) - shattering of C grains? (up-down scenario) (e.g., Seok+2014)

4. Summary We investigate the evolutions of grain size distribution and the extinction curves in high-z dusty galaxies ・ our dust evolution model can reproduce the average extinction curve in the MW by considering - three-phase ISM (WNM=0.5, CNM ~ MC ~ 0.25) - graphite & silicate ・ a large amount of dust grains and the unusual extinction curve observed for high-z quasars can be explained by considering - a large mass fraction of MC (>0.5) in the ISM ➜ efficient growth/coagulation of dust grains - amorphous carbon & silicate ➜ different properties of carbonaceous dust ## It is possible that the quasar extinction curves reflect the properties ## of dust in circumnuclear (AGN) torus, not those of interstellar dust