Active Galactic Nuclei Nick DiPreta
Nebula Inside nebula are stellar nurseries Stars begin to form from the gases that are the remnants of past supernovae
Formation of an Average Black Hole
Super Massive Black Hole Result of a galaxy merger
Super Massive Black Hole Hubble Deep field found galaxies of irregular shape billions of lyrs away Ondera (2010)
Active Galactic Nuclei Super massive black holes Center of Galaxy Emit Enormous amounts of energy
Active Galactic Nuclei/Quasars Quasars are most important as they are the oldest, largest black holes Quasars spew huge amounts of radiation very far out and foster new galaxies and solar systems.
Ho (2002) Found no direct relationship between radio luminosity and the mass of the black hole, contradicting previous thoughts.
Zhang (2003) Concurred with Ho, didn’t find any direct relationship between RL and MBH. Claims that other factors contribute to RL.
Dunlop (2002) Determined that the relative number of Quasars can be explained in several thresholds. Determined that the percentage of galaxies that are active around us is about 0.1% while those active at high redshifts were active about 10% of the time.