What moon phase would you think would be at position X on the graph ? Full moon New moon New moon What moon phase would you think would be at position X on the graph ? 3rd quarter
What lunar cycle is at 4? What lunar phase is at 5? New moon Waxing crescent moon
At what point will a person see a waxing crescent? A waning crescent? position 2 position 4
Earth is part of this galaxy. Why can’t we on Earth see the entire shape of the Milky Way? Earth is part of this galaxy.
Which type of stars are the brightest and in spectral class G? supergiant
At what point in the diagram would the lowest tide be expected At what point in the diagram would the lowest tide be expected? At what point in the diagram would the highest tide be expected? W & Y X & Z
Which points in the diagram could represent the height of tides during the full Moon and the new Moon? W & Y
What would cause the earth to have no seasons? No tilt on its axis
Y X Which location is night? Which location is day? Which location is winter? which location is having summer? Y X
Which of these locations on Earth would experiences the least change in the number of daylight hours througout the year? EQUATOR
Name the 3 types of galaxies: recognize each of their shapes: SPIRAL IRREGULAR ELLIPTICAL SPIRAL
What is the general relationship between the temperature and brightness of a Main Sequence star? IF THE TEMPERATURE INCREASES THEN THE BRIGHTNESS INCREASES
Which star is the brightest
Is each of the Stars almost the same distance away from the sun? TRUE
What does a light-year measure? DISTANCE True or False: Does the Big Bang support this theory: Galaxies show a red shift indicating they are moving away from each other. TRUE
Why does the Earth get more energy from the Sun than from all the other stars in the universe combined?` Sun is much closer than the other stars
Put in order from smallest to biggest: A: universe B: planet C: galaxy D: solar system 1. universe 2. galaxy 3. solar system 4. planet
What forces all planets to move in their particular pattern? Gravitational attraction between the sun and the planets