2 Patches – 2 Critical Affecting VB and Mail Other updates, MSRT, Defender Definitions, Junk Mail Filter –MS – Visual Basic for Applications, Remote Execution –MS – Outlook Express / Windows Mail, Remote Execution Patch Tuesday
Adobe, 3 patches –APSB10-10 CS4 –APSB10-11 ColdFusion –APSB10-12 Shockwave Player Apple, –Security Update Cisco –Cisco IronPort Desktop Flag Plug-in, Disclosure –Cisco Router and Security Device Manager, XSS –NTP Package Remote Message Loop DoS –Cisco Small Business Video Surveillance Cameras and Cisco RVS Port Gigabit Security Routers, Auth Bypass Browsers –Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari (unpatched) Holes / Patches
Facebook –API exposes data through “Events” –Site Link resets privacy to open Yelp / Facebook bleed over Open Source FB?? Diaspora* IBM HTTP, multiple vulns IBM WebSphere, multiple vulns Avaya products, multiple vulns in embedded firefox Avaya products, multiple vulns in embedded wireshark Adobe CS3, tiff processing vuln VLC Media Player, multiple vulns Java Holes / Patches
Symantec buys PGP and GuardianEdge Apax Partners buys Sophos FCC Voluntary Cyber Security Certification? –Taking feedback until Sept Corp. Hell
WTF “The first step in a secure development process is to figure what level of risks you are willing to accept, and what level of security you need. For many organizations, the correct answer is to completely ignore security altogether.” ---Robert Graham,
Suricata RC1 open source ids/ips engine Iscanner 0.5 *nix malware scanner jarlsberg vulnerable app davtest 1.0 webdav scanner fuzzdb 1.06 fuzzer sequences patterns etc netsparker community editio webapp scanner Updates
CON Events CanSecWest Mar 24 BlackHat Europe Apr 12 Notacon Apr 15 Toorcon Seatle Apr 18 HITB Dubai Apr 19 THOTCON 0x1 Apr 23 rd – Sold Out Source Apr 24 Interop Vegas Apr 25 RECON (montreal) July 11
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