Policy landscape and integration Commissioning, Procurement, SDS and Markets – where should we be heading? 8 October 2014 – Afternoon Session Joint Improvement Team Workshop 1 JIT is a strategic improvement partnership between the Scottish Government, NHS Scotland, CoSLA, the Third Sector, the Independent Sector and the Housing Sector
Summary of key discussion points from the morning session 2 1.To be completed over lunchtime
Summary of action priorities from the morning session 3 1.To be completed over lunchtime
Direction of travel – policy issues Integration – structure, scope and engagement SDS – making a reality of option 2, and what exactly is it? Personalisation – implementing service re-design; disaggregated budgets and double funding Procurement – alternative approaches to securing services (PSP etc) and national frameworks; how do they fit? Markets – what do we want H&SC markets in Scotland to look like? 4
From a more joined up perspective... How will RAS impact the availability of funds to support different commissioning practices? How might CI registration limits may impact what can be commissioned? How do traditional commissioning and procurement practices work alongside SDS driven commissioning? Changing role for commissioners - how do we share market facilitation information meaningfully with people using services? How does the role of the individual commissioner lie with strategic commissioning - local, regional and national level? Impact of integration of health and social care - SDS and health provision? Relative profile and timelines of different policy agendas? 5
The task for this session Identify emerging successes in achieving progress in individual policy areas Identify key tensions and opportunities between policy drivers Identify approaches that have or are beginning to succeed in cementing joined up approaches And report back to enable... Identifying key messages to inform local planning and delivery of change across the board 6
Practicals 30 minutes for round table discussions A facilitator for each table Scribe needed to note priorities ands key discussion points 15 minutes for group feedback and identification of 2 early priorities from each table, that would support positive change across relevant policy agendas 7