PACMAN A Study on Particle Accelerator Components’ Metrology and Alignment to the Nanometre scale Gregory Cavallo EU-fin (DG-RPC-EUT) Nov. 20th 2013
Overview 2EU Projects at CERN – Financial Management - Duration: 4 years - Start date: 1st September End date: 31st August Total EU contribution: 2,671, EUR Innovative Doctoral programmes (IDP): One participant (CERN) offers an "innovative" doctoral training i.e. with an international, public-private sector and interdisciplinary dimension. The training can be completed with the participation of associated partners (other universities, research centres, private sectors, etc.) - Early-Stage researchers: 10 researchers 360 months
Cost Categories The EC contribution is distributed in 5 categories of costs: Living allowance Mobility allowance Contribution to the research/training transfer of knowledge programme expenses Management activities, including Audit Certificate Contribution to overheads Reference document is the Work Programme programmes/2013/People/m-wp _en.pdf EU Projects at CERN – Financial Management3
Cost Categories Project budget EU Projects at CERN – Financial Management4
Cat.1 & 2: Monthly Living and Mobility Allowance Gross salary paid directly to the researchers Determined at recruitment date - will not change during the contract life Correction factor of the host organization will apply on both monthly living and mobility allowance ( See Work Programme 2013 ) Correction factor for Switzerland = 119.6% This allowance is the minimum value paid (mandatory !) 5EU Projects at CERN – Financial Management
Cat.1 & 2: Monthly Living and Mobility Allowance Monthly living allowance (col. 1) 38,000 € x 119.6% x 10 x 3 = 1,363,440 € Monthly mobility allowance (col. 2) No family : 700 € / month With family :1000 € / month Average used on official budget: 850 € / month 850 € x 119.6% x 360 = 365,976 € 6EU Projects at CERN – Financial Management
Cat.3: Contribution to the research/training transfer of knowledge programme expenses Fixed contribution: 1,200 EUR per researcher-month “Contribution managed by the host organisation to contribute for expenses related to the participation of researchers to training activities; expenses related to research costs; execution of the training/partnership project and contribution to the expenses related to the co-ordination between participants.” 7EU Projects at CERN – Financial Management
Cat.3: Contribution to the research/training transfer of knowledge programme expenses What for? – Costs of performing the project – Publication of vacant positions – Training costs and execution of the training project – Research costs – Organization of conferences – Conference attendance – Co-ordination between different parties including network meetings – PhD fees – Secondments – Etc. 8EU Projects at CERN – Financial Management
Cat.3: Contribution to the research/training transfer of knowledge programme expenses Expenses already identified – Total budget for category 3 (1,200 x 360)432k € – PhD fees (est.) 60k € – Secondments (est.) 75k € – Remainder297k € EU Projects at CERN – Financial Management9
Cat.3: Contribution to the research/training transfer of knowledge programme expenses The costs of the Associated Partners can be reimbursed through invoices to the beneficiaries. The cost of the invoice paid by the beneficiaries is then covered by the EU contribution under the cost category relevant for the activity/ies carried out by the Associated Partner. Associated partner may invoice CERN as a normal supplier. CERN shall create a proper order, as any other purchase; CERN may pay for the travel costs and substistence; Subsistence for Geneva: 150 CHF per day There is no pre-financing, interim not final payment to be transferred to the Associated Partners. 10EU Projects at CERN – Financial Management
Cat.4 & 5: Management activities and overheads Management activities (cat. 4) Maximum 10% of total Contribution Real costs (not a flat rate) Used to cover costs for managing the project Audit certificates Overheads (cat. 5) 10% of the direct eligible costs (except subcontracting) 11EU Projects at CERN – Financial Management
Financial reporting to EC When ? 1 st reporting period: September 2013 – August nd reporting period: September 2015 – August 2017 CERN (EUfin) will submit the cost statement to the EC and obtain the audit certificate EU Projects at CERN – Financial Management12
Question on Finance Cordis Find a document: Marie Curie 2013 Work Programme: al+Documentation/All+work+programmes/2013/People/m-wp _en.pdf al+Documentation/All+work+programmes/2013/People/m-wp _en.pdf Marie Curie Actions website: CERN: EU projects financial management: EU Projects at CERN – Financial Management13
Conclusion Thank you for your attention EU Projects at CERN – Financial Management14