Wrap Up GNC Partner Meeting 17 th – 18 th March 2015 Geneva, Switzerland
Fundraising – Funding – 3 large gaps identified - review what funding is needed funding is needed HTP review and identification of key modules that needs revision Revision to be taken up by technical surge team Follow up commitment with partners on the implantation funded WP activities – How to use fundraising strategy to address resource mobilization gaps? - next 5 years and how to strategically use it – can SAG discuss and feedback on this also?
Advocacy Steps for moving forward and developing the strategy – ACF will be calling on partners to complete the questionnaire – Proposed workshop with SAG and GNC in June but need to discussed dates and link it to 2016 WP development – Discussions around how other partners will be informed and consulted beyond SAG?
Capacity Building Competency Framework Workshop on different modules for building capacity in Coordination and adaption of in current training modalities (including influencing recruitment process, JD etc. Discussion with SAG and other interested partners - the implications for rolling out the competency framework within the GNC and engage partners FT/SAG/GNC-CT to draft articulation of how we are engaging with NIE- directly in terms for: Workplan outputs (e.g. technical surge, HTP, etc.), How we coordinate support to country clusters for technical capacity – issues, and capacity building System to identify and channel and advocate for meeting larger technical needs (e.g. guidelines) TF to lead this – UNICEF will lead a discussion group on this to discuss details, including on technical aspects – calling for partners and input more broadly
2016 Workplan When do we start the process, how do we start and who is involved? – Would the collective agree to the SAG discussing this tomorrow and feeding back? – Need a fundraising strategy over next 5 years and how to strategically use it – can SAG discuss and feedback on this also? – RRT evaluation – feeds into 2016 workplan
Moving Forward Management Response Plan Review and finalize the MRP in consultation and the RRT host agencies and the SAG Pull out the CLA regards issues and discuss how to move this forward within EMOPS Identify activities that needs to be reflect in the 2016 WP
Knowledge Management Sharing of the thematic areas Inception report Ongoing engagement with cluster partners based on country selection Ongoing partner updated on progress ENN will liaise with GNC-CT on depth of learning and discussion on next step and potential funding needs.
Information Management Consultation with the country clusters Finalization of the tool kit Regular updated of the GNC partners Development of the Training Package
Moving Forward Report to be finalized and shared within the next two weeks Next GNC Annual meeting – volunteers to host? New SAG constitution – Meeting tomorrow for SAG
Vote of thanks Christiane SAG Project leads RRT host agencies Consultants (Mija and Leah) Partners (donors) EMOPs/ Gwyn/Gavin/Lauren/Julien GNC-CT