The Smarter Balanced Assessment Framework ~&~ Instructional Implications Adam Ebrahim 8 th ELA/HUM & TECH NEA Ambassador to the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
AGENDA 1.Introduction………………………………………….5m 2.SBAC Construction………………………………15m 3.Group Task……………………………………...…..25m 4.Gallery Walk………………………………………..10m 5.Reflection……………………………………………..5m
GOALS/PRE-ASSESSMENT 1.Develop a working understanding of how the CCSS are assessed in the Smarter Balanced Framework – SBAC Blueprints – SBAC Literacy Content Specifications (Appendix B) 2.Apply understanding by creating a rich classroom learning experience and formative assessment 3.SBAC, CCSS, & Teachers as advocates
SMARTER BALANCED ASSESSMENTS IN CALIFORNIA ***Interim assessment administration not yet determined ***Interim assessments can be comprehensive or partial in target coverage Quarter 1Quarter 2Quarter 3Quarter 4 SBAC Interim SBAC Summative
Smarter Balanced Assessment Blueprints (all links at end of slideshow)
WHAT IS BEING ASSESSED? ***Interim assessment administration not yet determined ***Interim assessments can be comprehensive or partial in target coverage CCSS CAT-Claim 1: Reading 14 Targets CAT-Claim 2: Writing 5 Targets CAT-Claim 3: Speaking/Listening 1 Target CAT-Claim 4: Research 3 Targets Perf. Task-Claim 2 + Claim 4 8 Targets SBAC Comprehensive Assessment Handout reference SBAC Assesses Targets. Targets are either single standards or clusters of standards
Literacy Content Specifications Appendix B (all links at end of slideshow)
TARGET DECONSTRUCTION Handout reference Claim 1……………………Reading Content Category……..Literary Target 7…………………..Language Use “Interpret figurative language use (e.g., personification, metaphor), literary devices, or connotative meanings of words and phrases used in context and the impact of those word choices on meaning or tone.” (SBAC) RL 1: Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. RL-4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone. L-5: Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. 6 th grade
ACTIVITY Resources: Two poems, one concept, Literacy Content Spec (Appendix B) for Claim 1, Target 7 Objective: Design a formative assessment that incorporates given concept, content, and target AND… a learning experience that is worthy, multimodal, and aligned to Claim 1, Target 7 THEN… Write an explanation of how the experience and assessment are aligned Hypothetical timeline 1-3 days
GALLERY WALK ▪ Rotate clockwise, leave one behind to explain and answer questions ▪ Rotate clockwise, leave new person behind to explain and answer questions (You’ll be losing a member of your original group and picking up a new person at each station) ▪ Repeat until 5 minutes remain
CLOSING Extension Resources ▪ ▪ SBAC Blueprints: Blueprints.pdfhttp:// Blueprints.pdf ▪ Appendix B: ▪ Item Specifications: (Scroll to bottom, look files) Did this training clarify the relationship between the CCSS and Smarter Balanced assessments? ----If not, how could I make things more clear? Did this training clarify the relationship between the Smarter Balanced assessment framework and instruction? ----If not, how could I make things more clear?
Extension Item Specifications