CONTENT OBJECTIVE understand the electromagnetic spectrum and the mathematical relationships between energy, frequency, and wavelength of light. WHAT THE HECK DO I NEED TO BE ABLE TO DO? I can I can calculate the wavelength, frequency, and energy of light using Planck's constant and the speed of light.
LIGHT AND THE ATOMIC MODEL 1. A new atomic model evolved as a result of the investigation into the absorption and emission of _______ by matter. LIGHT
LIGHT AND THE ATOMIC MODEL A. Visible ______ is a kind of ____________________ ___________, which is a form of energy that exhibits both wave-like and particle-like behaviors as it travels through space. RADIATION LIGHT ELECTROMAGNETIC
LIGHT AND THE ATOMIC MODEL a. Visible light can behave like a _______ characterized by the measurable properties of ______________ and ____________. FREQUENCY WAVE WAVELENGTH
LIGHT AND THE ATOMIC MODEL 1. _______________ (λ) is the distance between corresponding points on adjacent waves. WAVELENGTH
LIGHT AND THE ATOMIC MODEL 2. _____________ (f) is defined as the number of waves that pass a given point in a specific time, usually one second (Often measured in hertz, Hz). FREQUENCY
LIGHT AND THE ATOMIC MODEL 3. The wavelength and frequency for light waves can be related mathematically in the following way: c= λ f c= speed of light (3.0x10 8 m/s) λ = wavelength f = frequency
LIGHT AND THE ATOMIC MODEL b. Visible light can behave like a stream of particles or __________. A _________ is a particle of electromagnetic radiation having zero mass and carrying a specific amount of energy. PHOTONSPHOTON
LIGHT AND THE ATOMIC MODEL 1. The _________________ effect is evidence that light behaves as a stream of particles. PHOTOELECTRIC
LIGHT AND THE ATOMIC MODEL 2. Max Planck suggested and Albert Einstein elaborated on the following formula when describing the relationship between frequency and the ___________ of energy of a photon. QUANTUM
LIGHT AND THE ATOMIC MODEL The specific quantum of energy a photon contains can be found using the following formula: E photon =hf E= Energy h = x J∙ s f = frequency
LIGHT AND THE ATOMIC MODEL 3. A ___________ is a specific amount of energy proportional in size to the frequency of the radiation it represents. QUANTUM
energy 2.65x J 3.25x J 3.64x J 4.31x J 4.97x J
LIGHT AND THE ATOMIC MODEL 2. Scientists use this understanding of ______ to also describe the properties of the ___________ and their behavior in the electron cloud. LIGHT ELECTRON