Part II Educational Technology1 Part II: Making Sense of Standards Content Standards Benchmarks Performance Indicators
Part II Educational Technology2 Standards-Based Education “Our lives tell us that the world has become more complicated, and our children must be well-quipped with knowledge and skills to succeed in it. Right now, many are not prepared.” (National Center on Education and the Economy)
Part II Educational Technology3 Standards-Based Reform “Standards-based reform grew from the common sense notion that student effort and achievement are directly affected by the expectations we have of them…Research and experience show us that raising expectations - setting high standards - helps our children learn more.” (Making Sense of Standards)
Part II Educational Technology4 The Educational Technology Standards Six Content Standards Basic Operations and Concepts Social, Ethical and Human Issues Technology As a Tool for Productivity Technology As a Tool for Communications Technology As a Tool for Research Technology As a Tool for Problem Solving and Decision Making
Part II Educational Technology5 Content Standards Define WHAT every student should know, be able to do, and care about. Identify essential content Organize the instruction of Educational Technology tools and applications
Part II Educational Technology6 Benchmarks Describe more specifically the content of the standards within grade level clusters. Describe WHEN students can reasonably be expected to know a given content. Clustered to acknowledge different rates of learning, and to provide flexibility for curricular choice.
Part II Educational Technology7 Performance Indicators Are one element of the performance standards Are organized by grade levels and linked to a standard and benchmarks Are descriptors of student learning toward a standard Describe what should be in student work Reflect growing sophistication required in student work and performance.
Part II Educational Technology8 Performance Standards Describe evidence of student learning required by the standard Include student work which contains evidence of performance indicators, and written commentary on the work.
Part II Educational Technology9 A National Perspective Standards are needed to produce technology- capable young people to be successful in an information-rich society Standards represent a shared vision of what all stakeholders can expect students to attain. Standards are necessary to promote high expectations for all students and to bridge the disparities that exist in educational opportunities.
Part II Educational Technology10 National Standards From: National Educational Technology Standards for Student (ISTE) 1.Basic operations and concepts 2.Social, ethical and human issues 3.Technology productivity tools 4.Technology communication tools 5.Technology research tools 6.Technology problem-solving and decision- making tools