File Systems
2 What is a file? A repository for data Is long lasting (until explicitly deleted).
3 Why not just an address space? You may want data to persist longer than a process You may want data that is larger than a virtual address space Easier to share the data across processes.
4 Two aspects to consider … User’s view –Naming, type, structure, access, attributes, operations, … System implementation
5 Naming Typically x.y x is supposed to give some clue about contents y is supposed to be the nature of the file.
6 Structure Byte stream Sequence of Records/Blocks Indexed Records
7 Type Regular files (containing data) Directories Character special files (access a character at a time) –To access serial communication devices (e.g., modems) Block special files (access a block at a time) –To access block devices (e.g., disk drives, CDs)
8 Access Sequential Random
9 Attributes protection, creator, owner, creation time, access time, current size, max size, record length, lock flags,...
10 File Operations Create, Delete, Open, Close, Read, Write, Append, Seek, Get attributes, Set attributes, Rename
11 Directory A way of organizing files. Each directory entry has: –File/directory name –A way (pointer) to get to the data blocks of that file/directory
12 Flat/Single-Level Directory Hierarchical/Tree-Structured Directory
13 Directories File names: relative vs. absolute Directory Operations: Create: Delete directory Open Dir Close Dir Read Dir Rename Link (allow a file to appear in more than 1 directory) Unlink
14 File System Implementation View the disk as a logical sequence of blocks (typically 512 bytes) A block is the smallest unit of allocation. Issues: –How do you assign the blocks to files? –Given a file, how do you find its blocks?
15 Contiguous Allocation Allocate a sequence of contiguous blocks to a file. Advantages: –Need to remember only starting location to access any block –Good performance when reading successive blocks on disk Disadvantages: –File size has to be known a priori. –External fragmentation
16 Linked List Allocation Keep a pointer to first block of a file. The first few bytes of each block point to the next block of this file. Advantages: No external fragmentation Disadvantages: Random access is slow! File 1 File 2
17 Linked List Allocn. Using an Index (e.g. DOS) In the prev. scheme, we needed to go to disk to chase pointers. Can remove the pointers from the blocks, and maintain them separately. –Could be made to fit in memory Allocation is still done using linked list, but pointer chasing done in memory
18 File 1 File 2 Disk Blocks File-Allocation Table (FAT)
19 Indexed Allocation (e.g. UNIX) For each file, you directly have a pointers to all its blocks. However, the number of pointers for a file can itself become large. UNIX uses i-nodes. An i-node contains: –File attributes (time of creation, permissions, ….) –10 direct pointers (logical disk block ids) –1 one-level indirect pointer (points to a disk block which in turn contains pointers) –1 two-level indirect pointer (points to a disk block of pointers to disk blocks of pointers) –1 three-level indirect pointer (points to a disk block of pointers to disk blocks of pointers to pointers of disk blocks)
20 i-node Filename Time Perm. … Disk Block Data Disk Block Data Disk Block Data Disk Block Data Disk Block
21 Tracking free blocks List of free blocks –bit map: used when you can store the entire bit map in memory. –linked list of free blocks each block contains ptrs to free blocks, and last ptr points to another block of ptrs. (in UNIX). Pointer to a free FAT entry, which in turn points to another free entry, etc. (in DOS)
22 Now we know how to retrieve the blocks of a file once we know: –The FAT entry for DOS –The i-node of the file in UNIX But how do we find these in the first place? –The directory where this file resides should contain this information