WIPO Patent Information Activities and Cooperation Projects September 2009
WIPO Patent Information Projects 1. P ATENTSCOPE ® overview 2. Needs of member states 3. Technical assistance projects 4. P ATENTSCOPE ® - New developments 5. Utilisation of patent information
Overview of P ATENTSCOPE ®
What is P ATENTSCOPE ® ? ► WIPO’s Patent Information Portal ► Database of 1.6 million international patent applications (PCT) ► Main features: ►Full text search ►Status information ►Graphical analysis tools ►RSS notifications ►Technology Focus
P ATENTSCOPE ® Search Full text search in Description and/or Claims text Unlimited Keywords Bibliographic search (classification, applicant, inventor, dates, etc) Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT), truncation, range searches
P ATENTSCOPE ® Documents Published Documents and related file contents Search reports (prior art) Written opinions and preliminary examination reports (patentability)
P ATENTSCOPE ® National Phase Status 2.6 Million notifications from 30+ offices Legal status (where available) Internet hyperlinks to certain offices (further status information, translations, etc)
P ATENTSCOPE ® Graphics 1. Enter any search criteria2. Click on the Graphics icon
P ATENTSCOPE ® RSS Notifications 11
Needs of WIPO Member States
Dissemination of Patent Information ►Of all the patent documents in the world: ►Less than ⅓ of WIPO member states have electronic patent data Less than 50% of documents have a searchable title Less than 35% of documents have a searchable abstract Only documents from a small number of offices have searchable full-text Status information is limited
Gaps in Patent Information ►Some notable offices have limited availability of patent data and documents: ►ARIPO and its member states ►OAPI ►EAPO ►Ukraine, Belarus, … ►Argentina, Chile, … ►Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines ►India ►South Africa
WIPO Technical Cooperation Projects
Cooperation Projects in Patent Information ►Focus on developing countries where patent information coverage is currently limited (e.g. ZA, IL, MX, AP) ►Demand-driven ►Assistance with digitisation and dissemination ►Assistance with office automation
Cooperation Agreements – Dissemination Policy ►WIPO has access to offices’ patent data for internal purposes and for dissemination via P ATENTSCOPE ® ►The office retains ownership and control of their patent data and its dissemination ►Third parties must obtain data from the office, or with the office’s permission, from WIPO ►Offices are free to decide their own pricing and exchange policies
New Developments in P ATENTSCOPE ®
New Version of P ATENTSCOPE ® ►New search engine (open source) ►Automatic word stemming (electric, electrical, electricity, …) ►Better relevance ranking ►Better analysis tools ►Full-text search (OCR text) ►Easily extensible to new features
P ATENTSCOPE ® National Collections ► Same features as the current PCT version ► Extended to several national patent collections
Search Results - Tabular ►(Almost) instant analysis of thousands of search results by cluster: ► Office, IPC, applicant, inventor, and filing date
Graphical Analysis by IPO and by IPC By National Office By IPC
Graphical Analysis by Main Applicants / Year By Applicant
Graphical Analysis by Main Applicant – Bar & Pie Charts
WIPO's Activities to Support Utilisation of Patent Information
WIPO’s Activities - Rationale ►Demand from WIPO member states for access to specialized databases WIPO Development Agenda, Recommendation 8 ►Utilization of patent information is more than access to databases, it must include capacity-building and training
Access to NPL Databases - aRDi ►Access to Research for Development and Innovation (aRDi) ►Purpose: Free or low-cost online access to scientific and technical journals ►Concept: Based on successful programs at WHO, FAO and UNEP in cooperation with scientific publishers ►Free access for non-profit entities and IP offices in LDC countries ►Low cost access for IP offices of developing countries authorized by the publishers
Access to Patent Databases ►Negotiations to facilitate preferential access to specialized patent databases for developing countries following the aRDi model for eligibility criteria
Capacity Building and Support ►Support in the utilization of patent information and scientific/technical journals ►TISC = Technology and Innovation Support Centres ►Successful models in industrialized countries (e.g. PATLIB centres in Europe) ►Based in patent offices, universities, research centres, etc ►WIPO provides: Access to databases Support and training ►Local centre provides: Staff and facilities
Technology Focus – Patent Landscapes
Technology Focus - Alternative Energy
Wind power: Activity index A country’s degree of concentration of patent filings in a particular technology A positive value for a particular technology implies that the country has a relatively high share of patent applications published in that technology (i.e. it has a higher share in applications published in this technology relative to its share in all technologies). Source : WIPO, Patent-based Technology Analysis Report – Alternative Energy Technology
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