1 / 28 Multi-OS Project National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia Tang-Hsun Tu Presenter: Tang-Hsun Tu How to work with Multi-OS on BF561
2 / 28 ◇ Loader File Structure Outlines ○ Introduction ◇ Multi-DXE Loader ○ Multi-OS ○ Communication National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia Tang-Hsun Tu ○ Conclusion ○ Further Work ◇ Second Stage Loader
3 / 28 ◇ Loader File Structure Outlines ○ Introduction ◇ Multi-DXE Loader ○ Multi-OS ○ Communication National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia Tang-Hsun Tu ○ Conclusion ○ Further Work ◇ Second Stage Loader
4 / 28 National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia Tang-Hsun Tu Motivation 1.a porting uC/OS-II dxe 2.System Architecture
5 / 28 National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia Tang-Hsun Tu Motivation (Cont.)
6 / 28 National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia Tang-Hsun Tu Compiler / Linker / Loader. o(s ). lds. ldf executable. doj(s ). dxe(s ) Visual DSP++ Linux
7 / 28 National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia Tang-Hsun Tu Loader File and Flash
8 / 28 National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia Tang-Hsun Tu Second Stage Loader Management of Two dxe(s)
9 / 28 ◇ Loader File Structure Outlines ○ Introduction ◇ Multi-DXE Loader ○ Multi-OS ○ Communication National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia Tang-Hsun Tu ○ Conclusion ○ Further Work ◇ Second Stage Loader
10 / 28 National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia Tang-Hsun Tu BF561 Multi-DXE Loader
11 / 28 National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia Tang-Hsun Tu Loader File Structure
12 / 28 National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia Tang-Hsun Tu 1.Address(4 bytes) – the block will be booted within mem 2.Count(4 bytes) – number of bytes in the block 3.Flag(2 bytes) – block type and control commands 10-Byte Header
13 / 28 National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia Tang-Hsun Tu Loader File With Init -NoFinalTag Single Boot Stream -NoSecondStageKernel
14 / 28 SICA_SYSCR Register National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia Tang-Hsun Tu How to start coreB ? *pSICA_SYSCR &= 0xFFDF
15 / 28 ◇ Loader File Structure Outlines ○ Introduction ◇ Multi-DXE Loader ○ Multi-OS ○ Communication National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia Tang-Hsun Tu ○ Conclusion ○ Further Work ◇ Second Stage Loader
16 / 28 National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia Tang-Hsun Tu Compiler / Linker / Loader. ldf. doj(s ). dxe(s ) Visual DSP++
17 / 28 Linker Section (L2) National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia Tang-Hsun Tu 1.L2_sram: map code and data into L2 for non-multicore parts that have L2 SRAM 2.L2_sram_a: map code and data into the part of L2 memory reserved for core A on a multicore system 3.L2_sram_b: map code and data into the part of L2 memory reserved for core B on a multicore system 4.l2_sram: be used on multicore system to map code and data into L2 for parts which have L2 memory 5.l2_shared: map code and data into the part of L2 memory shared between core A and core B
18 / 28 L2 Share memory National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia Tang-Hsun Tu 0xFEB xFEB xFEB xFEB L2 SRAM A (32K) L2 SRAM (64K) L2_sram_b L2_sram_a l2_shared l2_sram section L2_sramsection 128K L2 SRAM B (32K)
19 / 28 Memory Architecture National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia Tang-Hsun Tu Core A Memory Core B Memory
20 / 28 Memory Architecture (Cont.) National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia Tang-Hsun Tu L2 Share Memory (128 K) L3 Share Memory (SDRAM) Max is 256 / 512 MB
21 / 28 Linker Section (SDRAM / L3) National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia Tang-Hsun Tu 1. sdram0: map code or data into external memory, this can be used to place large, infrequently used data or functions into external memory to free up valuable internal memory. 2. sdram_bank {0|1|2|3}: other bank
22 / 28 Synchronization API National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia Tang-Hsun Tu /* multi-core lock type */ volatile multi_core_lock_t synlock; /* initial function */ 1.void multicore_spin_lock_init_locked(volatile multi_core_lock_t *lockptr); 2.void multicore_spin_lock_init_unlocked(volatile multi_core_lock_t *lockptr); /* function */ 1.void multicore_spin_lock(volatile multi_core_lock_t *lockptr, int cpu_id); 2.void multicore_spin_unlock(volatile multi_core_lock_t *lockptr); 3.void multicore_spin_lock_irqsave(volatile multi_core_lock_t *lockptr, int cpu_id); 4.void multicore_spin_unlock_irqrestore(volatile multi_core_lock_t *lockptr);
23 / 28 ◇ Loader File Structure Outlines ○ Introduction ◇ Multi-DXE Loader ○ Multi-OS ○ Communication National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia Tang-Hsun Tu ○ Conclusion ○ Further Work ◇ Second Stage Loader
24 / 28 Conclusion National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia Tang-Hsun Tu 1.We can run multi-uC/OS-II on BF561 2.We can communicate between multicore by L2 share memory
25 / 28 ◇ Loader File Structure Outlines ○ Introduction ◇ Multi-DXE Loader ○ Multi-OS ○ Communication National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia Tang-Hsun Tu ○ Conclusion ○ Further Work ◇ Second Stage Loader
26 / 28 Further Work National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia Tang-Hsun Tu 1.Periodic Task 2.Distributed Pinwheel Schedule 3.Synchronization 4.Other OSes
27 / 28 Question National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia Tang-Hsun Tu 1.Execution Time 2.Floating Point (Sr, DSr) 3.Distance Constrained
28 / 28 National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia Tang-Hsun Tu